Chapter 590

The man in black asked the leader, they were a little annoyed when they didn't see the two after waiting for so long.

"Wait a little longer!" The leader frowned and whispered.Now that the above has been arranged, they just wait.

After a while, the two still didn't show up.The leader also became impatient, and told a subordinate next to him: "Go along this road and take a look to see if the two of you are delayed on the way."

One person took the order and left, while the others waited quietly again.

At this time, in Yunhua Palace, since Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang left, Nangongchen and the emperor began a long waiting process.

Although there were singing and dancing coming to add to the fun, they were not in the mood to appreciate it at all.A pair of eyes looked at the hall from time to time, waiting for the good news from outside.

Time passed bit by bit, but there was no news, and no one came in outside the hall, which made Nan Gongchen very uneasy.I thought, I won't fail again.

If this is the case, then Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang are too powerful.In this way, he wanted to kill them even more, otherwise once they reconciled with the emperor, they would be in big trouble.

The emperor was also very nervous, and glanced towards the entrance of the hall from time to time.

I don't know who disclosed the news to him before, saying that the man in black may be from Nan'an.This made him vigilant, and he didn't want to cooperate with the other party.But he couldn't resist the desire to kill Shangguan Yuntian, and finally cooperated with him.

The emperor was thinking, first get rid of Shangguan Yuntian's thorn, and then solve the problem of the man in black.Only then did he open the door of convenience for the opponent in the palace, allowing the opponent to kill Shangguan Yuntian to his heart's content.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to burn down a palace.

Time passed little by little, and the emperor became more and more anxious, and he didn't even pay attention to what Concubine Su was talking to him.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" Concubine Su was rarely allowed to come out, how could she let go of the chance to reconcile with the Emperor, or perhaps regain the Emperor's favor.

So, she flattered and flattered the emperor in every possible way, said some nice things in a soft voice, and even winked a few times from time to time.

But I don't know why, the emperor was indifferent, and he looked like he was out of his mind.This made Concubine Su very annoyed, thinking that some vixen stole the emperor's soul.

However, she didn't show it on her face, she glanced at the concubines present calmly, but found nothing, so she asked the emperor what's wrong.

Hearing Concubine Su's question, the emperor came back to his senses, and said perfunctorily: "It's nothing, I'm just a little tired."

Concubine Su's eyes lit up when she heard the emperor's words, she felt that her chance had come, she couldn't wait to ask: "Is the emperor tired? Do you want my concubine to accompany you to the side hall to rest for a while?"

"No need!" The emperor shook his head, he wasn't really tired, he just had something on his mind.Besides, he still has to wait for news from there, how could he leave.

The emperor's refusal made Concubine Su a little disappointed, and she became quiet.

The queen looked at it, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile.

After some time, there was still no news from the front, Nan Gongchen couldn't sit still, and whispered to Chu Mo beside him: "Go quietly and see what's going on over there."

"Yes, this subordinate will go now." Chu Mo responded and was about to leave.At this time, there was a commotion outside the hall.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang fell into the eyes of everyone.

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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