The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 591 A tit for tat

Chapter 591 An Eye For An Eye ([-])

The two walked into the hall with their arms, all in a mess.

"Prince Yun, Concubine Yun, what's the matter?" All the officials were shocked when they saw the appearance of the two, especially the blood on their bodies.

Yehuang ignored everyone's questions, but shouted in the direction of the emperor: "Father, it's not good, there are assassins!"

Hearing the word assassin, the faces of everyone in the hall changed instantly.

The emperor and Nangong Chen were stunned, looking at the two people who were walking towards them step by step, their faces were extremely ugly.

To be spared by them again, damn it.

And those generals had already stood up, looked at the two and asked, "King Yun, Princess Yun, where is the assassin?"

"In Xiaoxiang Hall." Shangguan Yuntian replaced Yehuang and said the words.Originally, Yehuang wanted to say: some were killed by them, and some escaped.

"Xiaoxiang Palace?" Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed again.Someone said that there was a fire in the Xiaoxiang Palace. King Yun was in a hurry and went to check, but he didn't want to meet the assassin.This made everyone think of the conspiracy, and looked at Shangguan Yuntian with sympathy and pity.

Who on earth designed such a poisonous plan, first burned down the former bedroom of Queen Mother Yun, and then assassinated him.


"I don't know if those assassins are still there?" Someone asked, causing Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian to hook their lips, and said, "We don't know either. Back then, the opponent had too many people, so we both fought a bloody road to escape." of."

"Aren't there Ouchi guards in the palace? There are thousands of imperial guards, how could there be assassins?"

"That's right. Could it be that the Ouchi guards and the imperial guards are just decorations. If this is the case, then the emperor's safety is in jeopardy."

"What everyone said is that since the two of us met the assassins until we broke out of the siege, not a single bodyguard appeared, and we don't know what they were doing." Yehuang said something that seemed unintentional, and everyone in the hall His expression changed again.

The Ouchi guard didn't show up?This shows what?
Some people have even thought that the emperor never sent anyone to fight the fire in the Xiaoxiang Hall. Why?
If you think about the two things separately, maybe it really doesn't matter.But if they are put together, the knowledge here will be great.

Thinking of these ministers, they were terrified and suddenly looked up at the emperor.When they saw the ugly face of the emperor, they felt a thud in their hearts.

It seems that things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.Even if the emperor did not do this, he is still an insider.

Thinking of this possibility, the ministers became more and more anxious.They calmly drew a line with Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, and quietly retreated from their side.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang didn't care, everyone backed away, they just happened to be able to walk in front of the emperor smoothly.

"Your Majesty, there is something very strange about this matter, and I would like your Majesty to investigate it carefully." Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang knelt in front of the emperor, and said, "Father, my son's body has just been cured of the poison, and someone wants his son's If my guess is correct, these people are likely to be the ones who poisoned my son a few years ago and betrayed our military intelligence."

"Don't worry, I will give you an explanation." The emperor felt bad after seeing Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang come back alive.This time, Shangguan Yuntian actually asked him to severely punish the murderer. Could it be that he wants to severely punish himself?

This is of course impossible.

But in front of so many people, the posture still needs to be done.

(End of this chapter)

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