The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 593 A tit for tat

Chapter 593 An Eye For An Eye ([-])

Seeing Nangong Chen's indifferent appearance, the emperor couldn't help becoming annoyed, and said coldly: "Tonight's matter failed again, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, why should the emperor worry about it?" Nan Gongchen looked at the emperor indifferently, he was even annoyed.

Today Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang killed a lot of men, and now his manpower is getting smaller and smaller.

Fortunately, the emperor even asked him to ask his teacher about his crimes, and it was thanks to him that he could find out.He didn't send a single soldier, only burned a broken palace.

In terms of losses, he has much less than himself, so what else do he want?
"What are you talking about? I have lost a palace. I don't know how much manpower and material resources it will take to repair it?" The emperor's face was ugly, and he looked at Nangongchen displeased.

If the two hadn't been in a cooperative relationship, if they hadn't wanted to join forces to deal with Shangguan Yuntian, how could he, the majestic king of a country, associate with such a person who hides his head and shows his tail.

"Your Majesty, if you lose money, you can still make money. But if you lose people, you will lose everything. Compared with your palace, I have lost dozens of people." Nangong Chen was also very unhappy, but he didn't want to have a relationship with the emperor for the time being. tear face.

"Dozens of people have been lost?" The emperor was also a little surprised. He went to the scene of the accident before, but he didn't see many corpses. Why didn't Nangongchen send many people?Unexpectedly, he lost dozens of people.

It seems that the martial arts of Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang are really unfathomable.

"Why, Your Majesty thinks I can't lie to you?" Nan Gongchen became more and more displeased seeing the emperor's suspicious look.

"Of course not, I just feel a little surprised." The emperor explained something, which made Nangongchen's complexion a lot better, and said: "The two of them are powerful, and the emperor has not seen it before. I heard that Yunhuang Princess How can it be possible to take the head of an enemy general in an army of hundreds of thousands?"

"That's true." The emperor agreed with Nan Gongchen's words.Because of Ye Huang's power, he decided to get rid of them together.

Now that the poison on Shangguan Yuntian's body has been cured, and there is such a powerful Yehuang by his side, he is worried that one day, Shangguan Yuntian will take his place.

After all, with his status, how could he not want this position?Even if he doesn't want to, those around him will.

Thinking of Shangguan Yuntian's identity, the emperor felt a headache.

If he had known that Concubine Xiang was the descendant of that person, he would have loved her no matter what.

Unfortunately, he knew it too late.

"I don't know what the emperor's plan is next?" Nan Gongchen interrupted him while watching the emperor lost in thought.He also wanted to go back early to think about the next plan, but he didn't want to waste time here.

"It seems that we can only play tricks on the hunting ground." The emperor did not hide anything, and revealed his plan.

Hearing the emperor's plan, Nan Gongchen showed a smile on his face, and said: "The emperor and I thought about going together, so we will do that. I would like to see if the two of them have three heads and six arms?"

"Since you agree, then I will proceed with the arrangement like this."

"Okay, the emperor on my side doesn't have to worry, there will definitely be no more trouble."

"I'll wait and see."

The cooperation was reached again, and Nan Gongchen didn't stay too long, and left directly.

The emperor looked at Nangong Chen's back, his eyes turned cold.Thinking, when Shangguan Yuntian is eliminated, it should be time to eliminate him as well.

He didn't want more people to know about that matter.

 Thanks Chiba for the reward!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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