The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 594 A tit for tat

Chapter 594 An Eye For An Eye ([-])

Nan Gongchen left the palace, looked back, his eyes turned cold.Once Shangguan Yuntian died, the emperor would be done.

Looking away, Nangong Chen did not go back directly to the other building, but headed towards his stronghold in the city.Since he was going to do it on the hunting ground, he had to do a good job of arranging it.

However, what Nangongchen didn't expect was that before he reached the stronghold, he was blocked by a group of masked men.

"Who?" Nan Gongchen yelled, drew the sword he was carrying, and looked at the masked men with a defensive face.

"Go!" The masked man ignored Nangong Chen, but issued an order to the brothers behind him.

As the other party's voice fell, a large net descended from the sky and headed towards Nangong Chen's head.

It was night, and this street was relatively remote, with not many houses and no lights.Nangongchen didn't see the big net clearly for a moment, he thought it was some kind of hidden weapon, and was so frightened that he wanted to avoid it.

But I don't know why, whichever side he avoids, the top of his head will darken on that side.

At this moment, the entourage beside him looked up and found that it was a big net. He couldn't help being startled, and reminded Nangongchen loudly, saying: "Master, there is a big net on top of his head."

"What, a big net?" Nangong Chen was taken aback, and couldn't help but think of his arrangement in the palace tonight.

A bold guess popped up in his mind instantly.

Damn it, he already knew that Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian would take revenge, but he didn't expect their revenge to come so quickly.

And the most irritating thing is that they actually used the moves he used against them to deal with him.

"Yes, master. What shall we do now?" the follower asked.I don't know if it's his illusion, but he always feels that the big net above his head is everywhere.

"Rush out." Nangong Chen's face darkened, and while speaking, he swung his sword towards the big net.

He was going to chop up the net, so that the function of the net would be gone.

Hearing Nangongchen's words, the followers drew their sharp swords together and moved towards the big net above their heads.

It is rare for Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian's people to find the big net in a short time, and of course this net cannot be an invulnerable treasure.

As a handful of sharp swords slashed towards the big net, a hole was quickly cut.

Once the net was broken, Nangongchen suddenly felt that the top of his head brightened.Raising his head, he coldly swept towards those masked people, and said coldly: "Since your master deliberately asked you to die, this king will fulfill you."

"Kill!" Nangong Chen gave an order, and the followers waved their sharp swords and moved towards the masked man in an instant.

Because Nangongchen was worried about Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian's revenge, the people he brought were all experts.Although there are not many people, the martial arts are very powerful.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang stood not far away, watching Nangong Chen and his subordinates fighting fiercely with their own people, their faces darkened.

"Yuntian, what do you think is the probability of killing Nangongchen if you attack Nangongchen at this time?"

"What do you want to do?" Shangguan Yuntian heard the words and turned to look at Yehuang.

"I want to see if Nangong Chen's life is big enough." Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile, and at some point there was an extra bow and arrow in her hand.

Shangguan Yuntian saw what Yehuang was holding in his hand, smiled, and said, "Let me come!"

Yehuang didn't say much, and handed the bow and arrow directly to Shangguan Yuntian.

Holding a bow and arrow, Shangguan Yuntian aimed at Nangong Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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