The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 603 The Emperor's Heart

Chapter 603 The Emperor's Heart ([-])

"Yes, King Chen said so. He said that it was King Yun who beat him up last night." Shangguan Ping's eyes flashed, and he repeated what Nangong Chen said to him.

"It's true!" The emperor still couldn't believe it, he knew something about Shangguan Yuntian's temperament.

He shouldn't be that irrational.

But why?

Did Nangongchen intentionally blame Shangguan Yuntian, or is it true?
Countless thoughts flashed through the emperor's mind, but for a moment he couldn't determine the reason.

However, since Nangongchen said it was Shangguan Yuntiandong's hand, he couldn't pretend that he didn't know anything, he had to find him and ask him.

Therefore, the emperor said to Shangguanping: "No matter whether this matter is true or not, you should check it out for me."


After Shangguan Ping left, the emperor called Eunuch Liu again and asked him to go to Prince Yun's mansion to pass the decree and let Shangguan Yuntian enter the palace.

When Shangguan Yuntian arrived, there was only the emperor in the hall.He was not reviewing the memorial, but standing by the window, wondering what he was thinking.

"My son has met the emperor." Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the emperor, and stepped forward to greet the emperor.

"You're here." Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's voice, the emperor turned around and looked him up and down.To be honest, he is still not sure whether Nangong Chen's words are true or not.

However, Shangguan Yuntian is not without motivation.After all, during the palace banquet last night, Nangongchen made things difficult for him everywhere.If Shangguan Yuntian wanted to take revenge on him, it would make sense.

Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help asking: "King Yun, what did you do after the banquet was over last night?"

While speaking, he looked at Shangguan Yuntian, trying to see something from his expression, such as flustered, nervous, or complacent.

However, Shangguan Yuntian had a calm face, looked up at the emperor, and said softly: "I didn't go anywhere, I just stayed with Huang'er in the mansion. What's the matter?"

"What's wrong?" The emperor didn't know why, seeing Shangguan Yuntian's calm face and thinking of last night's failure, he couldn't help becoming angry.

"You still have the nerve to ask me what's wrong? How could I have a son like you? If there is anything I can't say properly, why did you beat up King Chen of Nan'an Kingdom?"

As soon as the emperor got angry, he directly put a big hat on Shangguan Yuntian's head.

Listening to the emperor's words, Shangguan Yuntian was both chilled and annoyed.

He couldn't figure it out, what was wrong with the emperor, why every time something happened to him, no matter right or wrong, it was his fault?

Thinking of the emperor's injustice to him, Shangguan Yuntian's face turned cold, and he said: "What does the father mean by this? What do you mean without a son like me? Is it possible that I am not your son? There is also the matter of beating Nangong Chen. When did I beat him, why didn't I know?"

"You still want to argue?" The emperor wanted to vent his anger on Shangguan Yuntian, who made him lose a palace last night, but Shangguan Yuntian was unscathed.

Therefore, no matter whether Shangguan Yuntian did it or not, he wanted to place it on Shangguan Yuntian's head in order to deal with him in a fair and fair manner.

How could Shangguan Yuntian not know the emperor's plan, and at the same time his heart was cold, the breath on his body also cooled down, and he said: "Father, if you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it. You would rather trust outsiders than yourself Son, it really makes people sad. Nangong Chen said that I did the beating, so could it be that I really did the beating?"

(End of this chapter)

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