The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 604 The Emperor's Heart

Chapter 604 The Emperor's Heart ([-])

"If I really want to do something, how can I let him live. Besides, he lives in the other building, I live in the palace, one is south, the other is north. I am so bored that I will go to the other building to beat people." .”

"Furthermore, King Ping is responsible for the safety of the annex. If something happened to Nangongchen, shouldn't he be looking for King Ping? Why would he look for his son-in-law? Or the emperor should ask Nangongchen if he has done something wrong. Otherwise, why are the envoys from other countries doing well? Why does he have accidents every three days? Last time, he was hit by some kind of itchy powder, and this time he was beaten again. If this continues, will he die in my Dazhao one day? gone."

"Shut up, what nonsense are you talking about. Why did you die in Dazhao? Could it be that you really hope that the two countries will resume the war?" The emperor became unhappy, glared at Shangguan Yuntian, and yelled.

This Nangong Chen is the prince of a foreign country, no matter what he says, he can't be allowed to die in the Jokhang Kingdom.Not only that, but they also had to protect his safety. Once something happened, Nan'an would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble.

"Royal father misunderstood, how could I think so?" Shangguan Yuntian looked innocent, as if he didn't see the emperor's anger, and then said: "Royal father doesn't think that Nangong Chen did it all by himself. The purpose is to make trouble in my Dazhao."

"What do you mean?" The emperor frowned, thinking of what happened to Nangong Chen, he felt suspicious.

Before, he never thought much about it, but when Shangguan Yuntian said it just now, he couldn't help but think about it more.

After all, envoys from the four countries lived in the other hall, so why was Nan Gongchen's affairs constantly happening while others were fine.

Could it be that Nan'an really had some conspiracy?
Seeing that the emperor listened to his own words, Shangguan Yuntian slightly curled his lips.There is still no way to expose Nangong Chen, but it is still possible to plant a seed of doubt in the emperor's heart.

"Father, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave." Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the emperor and said calmly.

The emperor asked him to enter the palace today, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to attack him.Fortunately, he was not fooled, otherwise, depending on the emperor's murderous intentions towards him, he might have been thrown into prison.

"En!" The emperor responded lightly, and let Shangguan Yuntian back down.

Originally, he planned to take the opportunity to deal with Shangguan Yuntian, but after hearing what the other party said, he changed his mind.If this is a conspiracy by Nan Gongchen or Nan An Guo, isn't he being used as a gun by others?

He doesn't want the majestic emperor to be manipulated by others.

Didn't Nangongchen want him to deal with Shangguan Yuntian?He is not as good as the other party wants.He wanted to see what the hell this Nangong Chen was doing?

Thinking of this, the emperor's face sank, and he said coldly: "Come here, go and find out where Nan Gongchen went last night?"

He didn't doubt it before, so he didn't think much about it.But now, combining what Shangguan Ping and Shangguan Yuntian said just now, they quickly discovered the problem.

If Nangongchen was really beaten up in the annex, it's impossible that no one knew about it.

Not to mention those guards, there are other envoys in Nan'an Kingdom, they live with Nan Gongchen, and they haven't heard anything.

From this point of view, Nan Gongchen must have something to hide from them.What's more, he may have been beaten outside.

In this way, another question arises, that is, what is this Nangong Chen doing out so late?
(End of this chapter)

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