The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 638 Burning the Forest

Chapter 638 Burning the Forest ([-])

He thought he was here to tell him the news that Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang were dead, but he didn't want to, the man said: "Report to the emperor, the forest suddenly caught fire, how to deal with it, please show me the emperor!"

"What?" As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.After the shock, they raised their heads and looked in the direction of the mountains and forests. Their expressions became terrified.

I saw thick smoke billowing in the sky above the mountain forest, and I knew the fire was very strong at a glance.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, King Yun and Princess Yun haven't come out yet."

"My God, I remember that King Yun and Princess Yun were going in that direction."

"King Yun and Concubine Yun haven't come out so far, maybe something happened to them."

"Your majesty, make up your mind quickly, the consequences will be disastrous if you are late."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the mountains here are connected to the mountains. If the fire continues to burn, it will burn more than just one mountain."

Hearing everyone's chatter, the emperor's face turned dark.He didn't let him set off the fire at all.

He only wanted Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang to die, and he didn't think that the people nearby would suffer as well.

It seems that the man in black is really as he received the news before, he not only wants to destroy Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, but also wants to destroy his country.

Damn it, if he knew this was the case, he would never cooperate with the other party.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and make up your mind."

"Yes, Your Majesty, if you don't make up your mind, it will be too late."

The minister standing below saw that the emperor didn't respond for a long time. He didn't know what he was thinking, so he couldn't help urging him.

"What are you shouting for? Come here. Inform the imperial guards and quickly fight the fire." The emperor finally gave the order, and the imperial guards quickly headed towards the forest.

At the same time, the ministers were not idle, and organized some people to go to find water.

The envoys were also alarmed by the fire in the mountains, and they came together outside the emperor's tent to inquire about the situation.

"This fire is fierce, so it shouldn't be an accident." Sima Feng glanced at the direction of the forest and frowned.

If he remembered correctly, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang went to that forest before.Now that all the people who participated in the hunting are back, only the two of them are missing. Something must have happened.

"Come on!" Sima Feng shouted.

Following his shout, a guard stepped forward and asked respectfully, "My lord, what is your order?"

"Take our people and go look for King Yun and Princess Yun immediately. People are born to see people, and dead bodies are to be seen."

"Prime Minister Sima, what do you mean?" Nangong Chen was upset when he heard that Sima Feng's men were going to find Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang.

"It's just looking for someone, what's the point?" Sima Feng glanced at Nangong Chen and said lightly.He has always disliked Nangong Chen.I always feel that this person is not as upright as he appears on the surface, and I don't know what he is planning all day long.

"This king doesn't know when Prime Minister Sima had such a good relationship with King Yun and Princess Yun. Even the emperor didn't send anyone to look for it. You are positive."

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with King Chen, right? Who is the prime minister looking for? That's the prime minister's freedom. It's better for King Chen not to be too lenient. I know, I will say that King Chen is meddling. I don't know, I still think that King Chen has a grudge against King Yun."

"Isn't it because of enmity?" Tuo Bafeng didn't know when he passed by, looked at Nangong Chen with a smile, and said, "I heard that a few years ago, King Chen was defeated by King Yun."

(End of this chapter)

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