The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 639 Burning the Forest

Chapter 639 Burning the Forest ([-])

"Prince Tuoba, you can talk more about food, but not nonsense. It's all in the past, and what does he do. What's more, now that Dazhao and Nan'an are on good terms, your words are suspected of provoking." Nangong Chen Displeasure on his face, that defeat was a thorn in his heart, otherwise he would not have deliberately planned to kill Shangguan Yuntian.

"Ah, my prince wishes I had such great ability, but it's a pity that no one is a fool, do you know it in your heart." After speaking, Tuo Bafeng ignored Nangongchen, turned and left.

After listening to Tuobafeng's words, Simafeng gave Nangongchen a meaningful look, and then left.If he could, he wanted to find them himself.

To be precise, there was only one thing he wanted to find, and that was Yehuang.He wanted to know the whereabouts of the medical fairy from her mouth, and wanted to meet the medical fairy.

Tuobafeng and Nangongchen left, leaving Xishuiyun standing where she was.

After a while, Xi Shuiyun asked, "Nangongchen, did you do something to them?"

Nangong Chen was startled, looked at Xi Shuiyun, and said with a straight face: "What nonsense are you talking about, what can this king do? Don't forget, this is Dazhao's territory."

"Nangongchen, I hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise, I won't let you go." Xi Shuiyun warned Nangongchen, and left with a displeased face.

She doesn't like Ye Huang, Ye Huang is dead or not, it has nothing to do with her.But Shangguan Yuntian is the person she likes, he cannot die.

Looking at Xi Shuiyun's leaving back, Nangongchen spit out two words angrily, "Crazy!"

Everyone left, but Nan Gongchen did not leave in a hurry, but went towards the emperor's big tent.

He hasn't received any definite news yet, and he doesn't know if Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang are really dead, so he wants to go to the emperor to find out.

In the big tent, the emperor's expression was not very good.Although he succeeded in getting rid of Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, the fire that covered the mountain made him very angry.

The damned man in black actually set fire without permission, really damned.Don't let him find out his real identity, otherwise he will never let him go.

The emperor was angry when eunuch Liu Gonggong came in and reported: "Your Majesty, King Chen of Nan'an is asking to see you."

"What is he doing here at this time?" The emperor's face darkened. He didn't want to see anyone at this time, so he said coldly, "No see!"

"Yes!" Eunuch Liu responded, and was about to go out to answer, when the emperor suddenly thought of something, so he stopped Eunuch Liu, "Wait!"

"Your majesty, what other orders do you have?" Eunuch Liu stopped and turned to look at the emperor in confusion.

"Let him in."

Eunuch Liu was taken aback for a moment, but quickly came back to his senses, and replied, "Yes!"

After a while, Eunuch Liu led Nangong Chen in.

The emperor glanced at Nangong Chen, and when he saw the other party's expression, he couldn't help but feel a thud in his heart.Although Nangongchen concealed it well, his eyes revealed the pride in his heart.

Is Nangongchen proud?What is he proud of?The Deyi mountain forest is on fire, and Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang are still missing.

At this time, the expression in Nangong Chen's eyes could not be a coincidence.

Could it be that he is really the man in black?

The emperor couldn't believe it.

If Nangongchen was really the man in black who cooperated with him and killed Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, he couldn't accept it.

You know, the reason why he and Shangguan Yuntian came to where they are today is all thanks to the man in black.

 Thanks for the reward of Amethyst, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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