The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 648 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 648 Life and Death (Part [-])
"Yehuang, stop!" The emperor watched Yehuang walking towards him, holding a gleaming dagger in his hand, feeling very uneasy, and shouted loudly.

"Is the emperor afraid?" Yehuang gave the emperor a meaningful look, walked up to him, thrust the dagger into the table, and said, "Your Majesty, since you are not willing to pay the interest, then I have no choice but to retaliate with a tooth for a tooth." Yes. How did I get hurt before, let the emperor try it now."

"Yehuang, what do you mean? Could it be that you really want to kill the king?" The emperor's face was very gloomy, as if a storm was about to come.

"Don't dare!" Yehuang smiled and shook her head, looked at the emperor as if he was relieved, and said: "Don't worry, I won't kill the emperor, I just want the emperor to feel hurt. By the way, I hurt my waist..."

While talking, Yehuang looked at the emperor's waist, as if she really wanted to stab the emperor's waist.

Feeling Yehuang's gaze, the emperor's face became more and more ugly. He glared at her and said, "Yehuang, you are too lawless."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"You?" The emperor was anxious, and he was afraid that Ye Huang would come for real, so he shouted outside: "Come here!"

The sound fell, and someone walked in.

The emperor was dumbfounded when he saw it.It wasn't his guard who came in at all, but a stranger.

"Who are you?" The emperor became more and more uneasy, and asked the visitor loudly.

However, the visitor ignored the emperor, but looked at Yehuang, saluted respectfully, and said, "Silver Fox has seen the boss!"

"Boss?" The emperor was shocked. He pointed at Ye Huang for a long time before finding his own language, and asked, "Did he just love you, boss?"

Ye Huang nodded.

"Is he yours?"

Yehuang looked at the emperor with a smile on her face, neither admitted nor denied, and asked lightly: "Your Majesty, do you want to call someone in again?"

The emperor slumped on the chair weakly, and looked at Ye Huang deeply, with a sense of scrutiny.

If he didn't guess wrong, there should be people from Yehuang outside.No wonder, she was so confident, no wonder Shangguan Yuntian left so reassuredly, they were already prepared.

"Get out!" The emperor waved his hand towards the silver fox. Since he is a member of Yehuang, what's the point of calling him in.

Yinhu ignored the emperor's words, but looked at Yehuang, saw that she agreed, and then left.

When the silver fox left, Yehuang looked at the emperor with a smile, and asked with a smile: "I wonder if the emperor has thought clearly?"

The emperor was very unwilling, but it was obvious that now was not the time for him to be brave, so he could only agree to Yehuang's request.

"I agree." The emperor reluctantly compromised.

Seeing that the emperor agreed, Ye Huang put away the dagger and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you should have done this long ago."

Hearing the words, the emperor gave Yehuang a hard look, wondering if he should give Shangguan Yuntian some side concubines.Otherwise, this Yehuang would not be a good stubble at first glance.If Shangguan Yuntian listened to her in everything in the future, it would be different from handing over the country to others.

Although Yehuang didn't know what the emperor was thinking, she sensed his malicious intentions, so she warned: "Your Majesty, you'd better not challenge my patience, or you will regret it."

"You?" The emperor was annoyed, but he had to stop thinking temporarily.

Don't worry, when Shangguan Yuntian gets tired of Yehuang one day, his chance will come.

But when he thought that he, the majestic king of a country, was threatened by a woman, the emperor couldn't wait.

No, he remembered this grudge.

(End of this chapter)

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