The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 649 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 649 Life and Death (Part [-])
At this time, Shangguan Yuntian had already led people to find a forest that had not been spread by the fire for a while, and went through it.

Their speed is very fast, like marching in a hurry, piercing through the forest at high speed.

Although the forest has not been extended for the time being, it is still covered by high temperature.In addition, they marched in a hurry, so they didn't walk for a long time, and everyone was sweating profusely.

"My lord, this forest is too hot, what should I do?"

A small captain of the Imperial Guard wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Shangguan Yuntian frowned, he did not expect that the temperature in this forest would be so high.

Now, the fire is spreading quickly, and it will take a long time for them to cross the place where the fire is spreading.

But right now, it's been less than a quarter of an hour since we left, and everyone looks like they're about to fail.

How to do?
This forest is like a steamer, not to mention those soldiers, he himself can't stand it.

Shangguan Yuntian was thinking while walking, looking up at the sky from time to time.

The woods are sparse and dense, Shangguan Yuntian soon discovered it, and then stopped.

"King Yun, why did you stop? Did something happen?" Someone asked Shangguan Yuntian in confusion.

"Do you feel that the temperature here is a little lower?"

Not to mention that everyone still didn't feel it, but after Shangguan Yuntian mentioned it, everyone obviously felt a lot more comfortable.

"Yes, the temperature here is much lower, and we are not so uncomfortable."

"It seems that this king is not the only one who feels it." Shangguan Yuntian nodded, and then continued: "This king just thought about it, and I think it may be because the trees here are not so dense. For this reason, this king has an idea."

"If the prince has anything to say, just tell us directly. We will listen to the prince." When the soldiers heard Shangguan Yuntian's words, they immediately voiced their support.

As long as they don't die from heat or fire, they are willing to do anything.

"Okay, since everyone has said so, then this king now orders you to cut down all the trees in the forest we are going to go."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned and looked at Shangguan Yuntian.

"Why, didn't you hear what I said clearly? Do you want me to say it again?"

"No, no need!" The soldiers came back to their senses. Although they were puzzled, they thought of their promise just now, so how could they dare to talk nonsense, so they dispersed and began to cut down trees.

Fortunately, they were planning to cross the line of fire and go to the isolation zone on the other side of the mountain forest, so they had everything in their hands.

Therefore, there is no need to make any preparations for this meeting, just do it directly.

Following everyone's actions and the falling of big trees, the temperature in the woods slowly dropped.

After everyone cuts out a isolation zone, the temperature in the forest will not affect the journey at all.

Seeing that the big trees in the forest were almost cut down and a isolation zone several meters wide was formed, Shangguan Yuntian stopped everyone and rushed forward.

It's just that this time everyone learned to be smart and cut down trees while walking. Although the speed of the march was reduced, they would no longer be uncomfortably hot, and they would no longer feel that they were about to die of heat.

Half an hour later, Shangguan Yuntian finally arrived at the other side of the line of fire with the guards.

"Oh my god, why is the fire burning so fast? If it's an hour or two later, it will definitely reach Zhuangzi over there."

"What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and work?" Shangguan Yuntian urged with a serious face.

This fire must be stopped, otherwise the people near the hunting ground will suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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