The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 683 The Emperor’s Regret

Chapter 683 The Emperor's Regret ([-])

This hatred gave him an urge to destroy the person in front of him.

He looked coldly at Concubine Su who was approaching step by step, and a killing intent surged in his heart.He wanted to kill Concubine Su, to avenge Concubine Xiang by killing her.

Thinking of Concubine Su's cooperation with Nan Gongchen and harming his favorite woman, the emperor couldn't bear the hatred in his heart, and wanted to kill her.

Concubine Su didn't know that the emperor had murderous intentions towards her.She twisted her waist, walked in front of the emperor, saluted him gracefully, and said softly: "The concubine has seen the emperor."

"Why are you here?" The emperor looked at Concubine Su indifferently, and the killing intent in his eyes slowly receded.He really wanted to kill the woman in front of him, but he had already suffered a loss because he believed in Nangongchen once, and killed his beloved concubine.

This time, even if he wanted to kill Concubine Su, he had to find out the matter first.

Fortunately, he has asked someone to investigate that matter, so until there is no definite evidence, he will not touch Concubine Su for the time being.

"The concubine made some small dishes, and I specially invited the emperor to taste them." Concubine Su looked at the emperor shyly and said with a smile.

As soon as the emperor entered the harem, she got the news and came here to block people.

Since she was unfavorable last time, the emperor treated her a lot colder.Seeing that her favor is about to be snatched away by other women, how can Concubine Su not be in a hurry?
No, knowing that the emperor was in the Xiaoxiang Palace, he came here in a hurry.For this reason, she deliberately asked her confidant maid to hold back a few people with the same purpose as her.

"Oh, is it?" The emperor took a deep look at Concubine Su, and said lightly: "Since that's the case, then I will let you go and have a look."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Concubine Su was overjoyed when she heard the words, she blessed the emperor, walked to the emperor's side in a few steps, and went back to Yuyan Palace where she lived with him.

When the women in the harem heard that Concubine Su had invited the emperor away, they all gritted their teeth with hatred and cursed in their hearts.

Only the empress, after hearing the news, smiled lightly and didn't care much.

When they arrived at Yuyan Palace, Concubine Su was like a busy bee, arranging dishes and pouring wine, spinning around non-stop.

Although she was busy, she always had a happy smile on her face.

Seeing the smile on Concubine Su's face, the emperor couldn't help thinking of Concubine Xiang again, the woman whom he bestowed to death.She used to have this kind of smile on her face.

In her eyes at that time, he seemed to be her whole world.

Thinking about it, the expression on his face gradually turned cold, and he looked at Concubine Su with cold eyes.

Sensing the emperor's gaze, Concubine Su's smile grew a little bit, and she glanced at the emperor quietly.When she saw that the emperor's gaze was not the affection she thought, but the endless coldness, she was startled.

The smile froze on his face, and he didn't react for a long time.

Why is this different from what she thought, shouldn't the emperor have a good time?Why is there such a cold look on his face?Could it be that when did she make the emperor angry?
Concubine Su recalled her words and deeds, but she didn't find anything that made the emperor angry, so she couldn't help feeling more and more anxious.

In the end, the emperor came back to his senses, and seeing Concubine Su with a stiff face, he asked lightly, "Concubine Ai, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the emperor's words, Concubine Su took a careful look at him, and found that his face was no longer so cold, she breathed a sigh of relief, sat down opposite the emperor, and said with a charming smile: "Your Majesty, this is This dish is made by my concubine, please try it and see how it tastes?"

(End of this chapter)

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