The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 684 The Emperor’s Regret

Chapter 684 The Emperor's Regret ([-])

"Okay, I'll try it." The emperor picked up the chopsticks, ready to pick up vegetables.

At this time, Eunuch Liu, who was waiting on the sidelines, suddenly stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, let me serve you as a slave."

As he spoke, he picked up the serving chopsticks and picked up a little bit of each, and asked the little eunuch next to him to try it.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it that it was put into the emperor's bowl the same way.

The emperor was very satisfied with Eunuch Liu's actions and gave him a look of appreciation.On the contrary, Concubine Su's face was a little ugly, and she gave Eunuch Liu a hard look.

The good atmosphere was ruined by the dead eunuch Liu Gonggong, she was really mad at her.

However, concubine Su didn't dare to show it on her face, she still served the emperor with a smile, like a gentle and virtuous wife.

Time passed little by little, and the food and wine were almost ready.The most important thing was that it was already getting late, Concubine Su thought that the emperor would probably stay overnight, and she was very pleased with herself, and the smile on her face couldn't help but grow stronger.

Just when she was proud, she saw the emperor stood up and told Eunuch Liu: "Liu Fu, drive the Phoenix bath palace."

"Your Majesty, are you leaving?"

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Su's face turned pale, and she looked at the emperor with a heartbroken expression.

"Why, Concubine Ai wants to keep me here?" The emperor raised his eyes and looked at Concubine Su.Seeing her sad look, a flash of joy flashed in her heart.

The former concubine Xiang also looked at her so heartbroken, begging him to believe her, even putting down her body to beg Concubine Su to say something nice to her.

But what did Concubine Su do at that time?Not only did she not intercede, she was still making trouble.In the beginning, he still couldn't believe that Concubine Xiang would betray him.

It was Concubine Su's words that made him believe that Concubine Xiang really wanted to betray him.For this reason, he spoke harsh words to her, was indifferent, and walked away.

And all of this is thanks to the woman in front of her and that damned Nangongchen.Now that Nangongchen is dead, he can't do anything to him.

But the woman in front of him was still standing in front of him alive, and he wanted to make Concubine Xiang's pain go through to her back bit by bit.

"Your majesty..." Concubine Su opened her mouth, her mind was full of words to hold back, but when she saw the emperor's mocking eyes, she swallowed them back bit by bit.

She looked at the emperor in shock, not understanding why he treated her like this.She wanted to ask, but she opened her mouth but couldn't make a sound.

Eunuch Liu followed behind the emperor, turned his head and glanced at Concubine Su quietly, seeing her shocked appearance, a sneer and mockery appeared on her face.

Concubine Su thought that when she was favored before, the emperor supported her wholeheartedly, which was extremely ridiculous.She fell out of favor a long time ago, when her status was demoted.

What's ridiculous is that Concubine Su didn't have any self-knowledge. She thought that as before, if she cooked a few side dishes and warmed a pot of wine, the emperor would be gentle with her. It was just a dream.

Not to mention that she once partnered with King Chen of Nan'an to kill Concubine Xiang, even if she didn't kill Concubine Xiang, the emperor would not take another look at her because of her cooperation with Nangong Chen.

Because seeing her, the emperor would think of his own stupidity.I will think that I have been played by others without knowing it.

In the Phoenix Bath Palace, the Empress is preparing to rest.It was a surprise to hear that the emperor was coming.

Today is not the first day of junior high school, nor the fifteenth day, and the emperor has gone to Yuyan Palace, so why did he come to her Phoenix Bath Palace again?
Could it be that concubine Su made the emperor angry?

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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