The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 685 The Emperor’s Regret

Chapter 685 The Emperor's Regret ([-])

The empress was thinking as she got up to meet the emperor, she didn't even have time to put on her coat.

Looking at the queen who came out wearing a middle coat, a similar figure flashed in the emperor's mind, a pity flashed in his eyes involuntarily, he stepped forward to help her up, and said softly: "Queen, it's cold at night, why don't you Just put on your coat and come out. Go in quickly, don’t catch a cold.”

As the emperor spoke, he helped the queen into the bedroom.

The empress was a little dazed, the emperor seemed to be very gentle to her today.Why?
There was a big question mark on the queen's head, but she didn't show it on her face, with a faint smile on her face, she let the emperor help her to sit down on the bed.

"Come here, bring a bowl of ginger tea." The emperor gave the order immediately after helping the queen to sit down on the bed.

Hearing this, the empress's eyes flashed strangeness again, she looked sideways at the emperor, her eyes were full of tenderness, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I'm fine."

"No, listen to me, lest you catch a cold." The emperor said domineeringly, the empress was taken aback, and said nothing.

The people in Fengzao Palace were very fast in their work, and after a while, they brought a bowl of ginger tea over.

The queen glanced at the emperor, took the ginger tea and drank it.Although she didn't like the taste of ginger, she had no choice but to drink up a bowl of ginger tea under the watchful eyes of the emperor.

After the queen finished drinking the ginger tea, the maid took the empty bowl and retreated.

Soon, only the emperor and empress were left in the bedroom.The queen sat a little cautiously, quietly looking at the emperor.Today's emperor makes her feel very strange.

Although the emperor and her are husband and wife, they don't have much affection.Except for the first day and the fifteenth day of the lunar new year, the emperor basically would not come to Fengzao Palace.

But today, the emperor suddenly came, and it was from Concubine Su.Not only that, but he also cared about her and was very gentle.

This made her confused, and she couldn't figure it out.

No one in the palace knew how much the emperor loved Concubine Su.It stands to reason that since he went to Yuyan Palace, he would definitely spend the night there.

But today, concubine Su worked so hard to rob people to Yuyan Palace, but the emperor didn't stay overnight. This is the first strange place.

The second strange thing is that there are so many women in the emperor's harem, and there are several concubines near Yuyan Palace, and all of them are young and beautiful.But the emperor chose to look far away, and came to her Phoenix bath palace.

The third strange thing is that the emperor's is too gentle, so gentle that she almost doubts whether the man in front of her is fake.

The queen was thinking wildly when the emperor's hand suddenly fell on her waist.

The emperor put his arms around the queen's waist, brought her to his side, and asked with a smile: "What is my queen thinking?"

"Miss you!" The queen replied without thinking.

After she finished speaking, she realized that her face was instantly flushed with a blush. Against the backdrop of the candlelight, she couldn't take her eyes off like the morning glow.

The emperor was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.He looked at the shy queen with burning eyes, and he was very happy, and said jokingly: "It turns out that the queen is thinking about me, so tell me earlier."

While the emperor was talking, the hand resting on the queen's waist immediately became dishonest, kneading her waist and lighting a fire.

After being teased like this, the Queen's face turned redder and brighter.In addition, the emperor's hands set her on fire everywhere, making her body slowly soften and become weak.

(End of this chapter)

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