The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 686 Initial mention of reserve

Chapter 686

The emperor looked down at his limp wife, but the figure of another person flashed in his mind, his eyes dimmed, and the movements of his hands stopped.

Sensing the emperor's pause, the empress came to her senses, glanced at the gloomy emperor, and became more and more puzzled.

For some reason, such an emperor made her feel a little distressed, and she couldn't help shouting: "Your Majesty?"

The emperor came back to his senses, looked at the shy queen in a daze, then smiled, and fell on the bed with her arms around her.

The night is as cool as water, but in the bedroom, the color of spring is thick, and the temperature is rising steadily.Tossed by the waves, the curtain kept shaking, and bursts of melodies that made people's faces palpitate and heartbeat came out.

The servants and maids on guard at night blushed involuntarily when they heard the voice.Want to stay away, but dare.

Because they are afraid that they will be far away, and they will not be able to hear them when they ask for water.

Therefore, they can only stand in place, listening to the high and low melody, and enduring this primitive torture.

Time passed little by little, until the night watchmen outside were about to doze off for a long time, and only then did they hear the sound of water being called from inside the house.

The servants and maids quickly brought the water in, and then waited for the empress to wash it up before returning to the place of duty.

After the exercise, the emperor and empress were a little tired, but they didn't feel much sleepiness.Especially the queen, it was the first time that this kind of thing was so beautiful, it made her fly into the clouds and into the heaven again and again.

In the past, every time the emperor fell in love with her, it was as if he had completed a task, hastily.But today, he wanted her over and over again.

Turning her head, the queen looked at the man lying next to her. If it wasn't for the birthmark on his body, she would have suspected that the man in front of her was a fake.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" Sensing the Queen's gaze, the emperor turned sideways and looked at her.

"It's okay!" The queen shook her head, suppressing the doubts in her heart.No matter why the emperor became so strange today, as long as he is true, it is enough.

"Go to sleep!"

The emperor patted the empress on the shoulder, and slowly closed his eyes.

A good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, when the emperor got up early to go to court, the queen woke up too.Originally intended to help him change clothes, but was stopped by the emperor, and thoughtfully said to her: "I exhausted you last night, you should sleep a little longer."

Hearing this, the queen was moved again, and didn't insist on getting up, she just half sat on the bed, wrapped in a quilt to watch the emperor get dressed, and watched him leave.

When the emperor left, the queen didn't feel sleepy anymore, and sat on the bed in her middle coat, dazed.

At this time, the close-fitting nanny came in, looked at the queen with a smile, and said, "Congratulations, empress, all hardships are rewarding."

Mammy has been with the queen for more than ten years, and this is the first time she has seen such a considerate emperor.So she was very happy for her master, and the smile on her face couldn't be stopped no matter what.

Listening to Mammy's words, the queen thought about the emperor's changes yesterday and this morning, with a smile on her face.It would be great if the emperor could treat her like this all the time.

I'm afraid I'm afraid, this Nanke Yimeng.

Chaofeng Hall is the place where the emperor went to the early court. At this time, all the civil and military ministers have arrived.All the princes arrived except Shangguan Yuntian.

After a while, the emperor came to court.

The emperor sat down on the dragon chair and glanced towards the hall.When he found out that Shangguan Yuntian did not come to court, he felt guilty again.

(End of this chapter)

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