Chapter 742

"Yes, it's His Royal Highness King Yun." The man in black threw Shangguan Yuntian out, seeing that the sixth prince didn't believe it, he added another sentence: "If His Royal Highness doesn't believe it, we can take you in to have a look."

"No need." The sixth prince waved his hand, then turned his head to look at Shangguan Ping, sneered again, and said, "Brother Ping, about this matter, I think it's better to go to the palace and talk to father."

"Xiao Liu, I don't think there's any need to mobilize people like this. In the morning, I will explain to my father." Shangguanping didn't want to go to the palace. Now that the fifth prince is dead, he has to go back and work properly. , pointed the murderer at Shangguan Yuntian.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the sixth prince, he would have already returned home by now.

"This point, not only the younger brother will not agree, but the father's people will not agree." The sixth prince shook his head, looked at one of the people behind him under Shangguanping's puzzled eyes, and said, "Commander Lin, do you think so?"

"Lin, Commander Lin, which Commander Lin?" Shangguan Ping was startled, and followed the Sixth Prince's gaze to look at him.

Although the night was a bit dark, Shangguanping still recognized that person. It was the emperor's confidant, Lin Ruicheng, the commander of the Ouchi guards who had just been promoted.

At this time, Lin Ruicheng no longer hid behind the crowd, but came out, looked at Shangguanping, and said hello: "I have seen the prince, I have seen the sixth highness."

Lin Ruicheng greeted the two of them, and then said again: "Just now, I seem to have heard that His Highness the Fifth Highness was killed, and also heard the conversation between the two of you. In order to find out the truth of the matter, and not to wrong the two of you, the humble official feels that , it’s better to go to the Fifth Prince’s Mansion together to see what’s going on.”

"I don't know His Highness King Ping and His Sixth Highness, what do you think?"

"This?" Shangguanping hesitated for a moment, he actually didn't want to go in.But as a party, there is no way to avoid it.

In the end, he had to nod his head in agreement.

As for the sixth prince, he has no scruples.He came today to catch Shangguan Ping's appearance.Now, I only heard one or two words from them, but it is not clear whether the Fifth Prince is alive or dead.

Now, since Lin Ruicheng proposed to go in and have a look, it was exactly what he wanted.Therefore, he readily agreed: "This king has no objections."

"Since the two of you have no objections, let's go in and have a look together." After Lin Ruicheng finished speaking, he took the lead in entering the Fifth Prince's Mansion.

As soon as he entered the Fifth Prince's Mansion, a sinister aura rushed over his face, and the strong smell of blood made Lin Ruicheng feel a little uncomfortable.

As they passed through several courtyards, corpses lying in a pool of blood fell into their eyes.

In the entire Fifth Prince's Mansion, no matter if it was a man or a woman, no matter if it was a girl or a steward, or even the master, they all died, and no one survived.

Seeing this scene, the sixth prince was taken aback, and turned to look at Shangguan Ping, his eyes full of accusations.

How ruthless is he, to kill everyone in the whole house, leaving no one behind.

Finally, the group arrived at the courtyard where the fifth prince lived, and saw the fifth prince lying in the room with the wound on his neck still bleeding.

Lin Ruicheng and the sixth prince stepped forward quickly, Lin Ruicheng stretched out his fingers unwillingly, and sniffed the fifth prince's breath to make sure that he was really dead, so he suddenly raised his head and looked at Shangguanping.

"Your Highness King Ping, you are so cruel." Lin Ruicheng's gaze fell on Shangguan Ping like a sharp sword, making Shangguan Ping feel a little out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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