Chapter 743

"Commander Lin, what does this have to do with me?" Shangguanping came back to his senses and looked at Lin Ruicheng displeased.Although he had asked people to do this, he couldn't admit it.

Once admitted, he is finished.Not to mention how the common people would think of him, even the emperor alone couldn't explain it.

What's more, now is the critical time, once this crime is convicted, his life will be over.

"My lord doesn't admit it?" Lin Ruicheng looked at Shangguanping with a serious expression.Just now when he and the sixth prince arrived, he heard what the man in black said to Shangguan Ping.

Obviously, the fifth prince was killed by Shangguanping.But now, he didn't even admit it.

Did he think that if he didn't admit it, the matter would end like this?

Lin Ruicheng sneered, he was representing the emperor tonight, since he had heard what he said, and he had caught Shangguanping's appearance, he would not let this matter be exposed so easily.

In the attic, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang had a panoramic view of what happened below.Seeing Lin Ruicheng targeting Shangguan Ping, Yehuang smiled, and asked Shangguan Yuntian who was holding her behind him, "Is he your man?"

"No!" Shangguan Yuntian shook his head, Lin Ruicheng was not his.

"A man from the emperor?" Ye Huang guessed.

"That's right, he is the commander of Ouchi's bodyguards and the emperor's confidant."

"No wonder." Yehuang said with a clear look, "It seems that Shangguanping is going to be unlucky this time."

Shangguan Yuntian curled his lips into a smile, but did not speak.What if Shangguanping is not unlucky?He's been Bunda long enough.

Down below, Shangguanping was very annoyed by Lin Ruicheng's aggressive attitude, but because he is the emperor's man, he could only endure it temporarily and said, "I didn't do this thing, why should I admit it?"

"Since that's the case, don't say much about the lowly position. The prince should follow the lowly position into the palace and tell the emperor."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ruicheng ordered the people behind the sixth prince: "Come here, please enter the palace with His Royal Highness King Ping."

Hearing this, the people behind the sixth prince stood up quickly, looked at Shangguan Ping, and said in unison: "His Royal Highness, please!"

Seeing such a situation, Shangguanping's face darkened, he stared at Lin Ruicheng and said coldly: "Commander Lin, what are you doing here?"

"It's nothing, I just want to invite the prince into the palace." Lin Ruicheng said lightly, as if he was doing business.

"What if the king says no?" Shangguan Ping's eyes turned cold, and his aura unfolded, with an inviolable expression on his face.

"The humble job has to be hired." Lin Ruicheng suddenly stood up straight, looking at Shangguanping with righteousness on his face.

Today, the emperor specially asked him to go with the sixth prince.At first, he didn't know why.Now it's about the fifth prince's death, if this errand is not handled well, his head will be lost when he goes back.

For his own sake, he will not be intimidated by Shangguan Ping's aura.

"How dare you!" Shangguan Ping glared at Lin Ruicheng and roared fiercely.

"Would you like to try, my lord?" Lin Ruicheng looked at Shangguanping with a calm face and was on guard.He was worried that the other party would jump over the wall in a hurry, so while he was on guard, he gave his men a wink.

After receiving Lin Ruicheng's hint, his subordinates also became alert one by one.

Shangguanping looked at Lin Ruicheng's expression of insisting on bringing him into the palace, his face darkened, and his gaze gradually became murderous.

Originally, he saw a lot of people on the other side, and didn't want to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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