The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 757 Emperor Poisoning

Chapter 757 Emperor Poisoning ([-])

"King Yun, it's only been a day. You have to give this prince enough time to think about it. After all, this is not a trivial matter, is it?" Nangong Yueli's face turned dark.

If it is said, who is the person he doesn't want to see the most right now, except for Shangguan Yuntian, he will not think of others.

"His Royal Highness, there are twelve hours in a day, and this king thinks the time is long enough." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, he didn't think a day was short.If possible, he hoped that Nangong Yueli would make a decision immediately.

Of course, he also knew that this was impossible.No matter how courageous Nangong Yueli is, she may not be able to make a decision in a short time.

That's why he has to come over to urge him from time to time, until he gets impatient, and then he can naturally get more benefits.

"You?" Nangong Yueli was furious after listening to her words.But facing Shangguan Yuntian's indifferent face, he couldn't get angry.

Living in a different place, he would be like Shangguan Yuntian, and even go too far than him, right?

Nangong Yueli finally endured it, looked at Shangguan Yuntian and begged: "King Yun, can you give me a few more days?"

"How many days do you want?" Shangguan Yuntian did not refuse, but asked lightly.

"Seven days!" Nangong Yueli estimated the time, it was neither too long nor too short.In seven days, there should be news from King Nan'an.

"Seven days is too long, two days." Shangguan Yuntian frowned, it was impossible for him to give Nangong Yueli such a long time.

Over time, it is easy to produce accidents.What's more, now that Shangguanping is in prison, Concubine Su and Marquis Jingguo are about to make trouble, who knows when something will happen.

So he had to let Nangong Yueli make a decision as soon as possible.

"Two days are too short! Why don't I take a step back and only have six days?" Nangong Yueli bargained with Shangguan Yuntian.

"Two days!" Shangguan Yuntian did not let go, two days was the most satisfying time for him.Because in just two days, Shangguanping couldn't do anything at all.

"Five days!"

"Two days!"

"Four days!"

"Two days!" Shangguan Yuntian insisted.

"Three days!"

Shangguan Yuntian curled his lips into a smile, and with a single blow, said, "Deal!"

The two of you came and went, and finally set a time for three days.Although the time was set, Nangong Yueli's complexion was not very good.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't care, he stood up and took his leave.

When Shangguan Yuntian left, Nangong Yueli lost her temper again.

In Jingguohou's Mansion, Su Jinian went out in the morning and didn't return until dark.

Mrs. Su was waiting impatiently. As soon as she heard that Su Jinian was back, she immediately went to the courtyard where he lived, and asked with concern: "Master, where have you been? Why did you come back so late?"

"I went out to do some errands." Facing his wife's concern, Su Jinian showed a faint smile on his face.He was in a good mood at this time, he had already received the things Concubine Su told him, so he was waiting for a letter to be delivered later, and Concubine Su sent someone to get it.

Mrs. Su saw that Su Jinian was in a good mood, so she didn't ask any further questions. She asked someone to bring food in, and she ate with him before leaving.

After Mrs. Su left, Su Jinian immediately called the hidden guard out and asked him to deliver a letter to Concubine Su in the palace.

In Yuyan Palace, Concubine Su had just finished her dinner and was digesting food in the garden.After receiving the letter from the secret guard, Concubine Su showed a faint smile on her face, and told the maid beside her, "Zi Zhu, I heard that Lord Hou is sick, so you can visit the Hou mansion tomorrow on behalf of me."

(End of this chapter)

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