The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 758 Emperor Poisoning

Chapter 758 Emperor Poisoning ([-])

"Yes!" Zizhu replied respectfully, knowing that the matter was done, a smile appeared on her face.

The master and servant walked in the garden for a while, seeing that it was getting late, they returned to the bedroom.

After a good night's sleep, Zizhu left the palace early the next morning.

Zizhu came to the Hou Mansion of Jingguo and went straight to the courtyard where Su Jinian lived.In the yard, Su Jinian had already been waiting there.

"My servant has seen the Marquis." Zi Zhu stepped forward to salute Su Jinian, and then stood respectfully aside.

"You're here." Su Jinian glanced at Zizhu, then turned and entered the room.After a while, he came out with a purse in his hand, handed it to Zizhu and said: "Everything you want is here. Tell the empress, no matter what she does, just do it boldly, the Su family will always be happy." Stand behind her."

"Master Hou, don't worry, the servants will definitely bring you what you say." Zizhu took the things and went back to the palace without staying too long.

Back in the palace, Concubine Su took Zizhu to her bedroom.

"Your Majesty, this is something that Master Hou gave to the servant girl." Zi Zhu took out the purse and handed it to Concubine Su.

After taking the purse, Concubine Su glanced at it, then handed it back to Zi Zhu, and ordered: "Accord to the plan."


Zizhu responded, thinking of what Su Jinian asked her to bring, so she said: "Your Majesty, Master Hou asked your servant to tell you, just do it with confidence and boldness, the Su family will always stand behind you."

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Su couldn't help but shed tears.This is her father, her natal family, who will unconditionally support her no matter what she does.Even though what she is doing now is outrageous, they don't have a single complaint.

Speaking of it, she is really unfilial, she only thinks about herself and her son, but never thinks about her mother's family.If the matter fails, what awaits the Su family will be a catastrophe of ransacking the family.

But even so, she didn't want to stop.Anyway, she's taking a gamble.

Concubine Su wiped away her tears and said to Zi Zhu, "Go!"

Zizhu left Yuyan Palace with her things, and went to find someone to do something.

As for Concubine Su, after Zi Zhu left, she cooked some food and wine herself, and mentioned that she went to see Shangguan Ping in the prison.

The news that Concubine Su went to the prison soon reached the ears of the emperor.

"Your majesty, do you want to stop Concubine Su?" Eunuch Liu looked at the emperor and asked cautiously.It stands to reason that Shangguanping is now sentenced to imprisonment and is not allowed to visit.

The emperor was silent for a while, then he waved to Eunuch Liu and said, "Forget it, let her go."

In any case, Shangguanping was also his son whom he had loved for more than ten years, and it was quite pitiful that he was locked up in the sky prison.

Since Concubine Su wanted to see him, he just turned a blind eye.

"Slave understands." Eunuch Liu withdrew respectfully.Since the emperor didn't care about it, as a slave, he wouldn't rush to please others.

In the dungeon, Shangguan Ping was walking up and down in an irritable mood.Last night, he quietly sent a message to the outside, asking his people to come to see him tonight.

But for some reason, before nightfall, he started to get anxious.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps came that he stopped and looked in the direction of the cell.With just one glance, he could see clearly that the person walking slowly with a basket was his concubine mother.

Shangguanping just watched Concubine Su walking towards him step by step, then stopped in front of him, looking at him lovingly.

"Mother and concubine, how did you come in?" Shangguanping was a little surprised. As a prince, he still had some understanding of Dazhao's laws, knowing that he was not allowed to visit the prison in this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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