The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 805 Leading the Army to the Expedition

Chapter 805 Leading the Army to the Expedition ([-])

Fortunately, the food was kept warm, and after hearing what Ye Huang said, it took a while for it to be served on the table.

The husband and wife sat together to eat, and Shangguan Yuntian took the initiative to serve Yehuang with food. When eating fish, he even removed the fishbone and served it to her.

Facing Shangguan Yuntian who took care of him so attentively, no matter how big Yehuang was, he lost his temper.What's more, she also knew that she was going to go to war soon, and she would not be so casual in wanting to make out on the battlefield in the future.

Yehuang, who had lost her anger, had a big appetite. Shangguan Yuntian ate whatever he had in his bag, and in a blink of an eye, he would eat a bowl of rice.

Seeing that Ye Huang's appetite had improved, Shangguan Yuntian was finally relieved, and while serving her food, he also ate a few mouthfuls.

Soon, Yehuang was almost full. Seeing that Shangguan Yuntian was still helping her with food, she said, "I'm full, you can eat by yourself."

While speaking, he picked up a chopstick dish for Shangguan Yuntian casually.

Seeing the sudden extra dishes in his bowl, Shangguan Yuntian had a soft smile in his eyes, and he started to eat happily.

After finishing the food in one bite, Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang eagerly, causing her to be dazed for a moment.

"What are you looking at me for?" Ye Huang asked puzzled.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't speak, just glanced at Yehuang and then at the dishes on the table.

Following Shangguan Yuntian's gaze back and forth twice, Yehuang finally understood what he meant, and rolled her eyes speechlessly.

However, seeing that Shangguan Yuntian not only picked up vegetables for himself, but also picked fish bones for himself, Yehuang picked up the chopsticks again and picked up some vegetables for him.

Seeing that Yehuang had picked up some food for himself, Shangguan Yuntian began to eat again.

After finishing the meal, more than half an hour had passed, and the dishes on the table were already completely cold, but Shangguan Yuntian ate very happily, very happy, with a smile on his face.

After dinner, Shangguan Yuntian accompanied Yehuang to take a nap, helped her massage her body, and then left to go to work.

Three days passed in a flash, and on the third morning, both Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang got up early, put on their armor at the same time, and headed to the camp.

When they arrived, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were already waiting there.

Shangguan Yuntian went to the Dianbingtai and mobilized for the expedition.He didn't talk much, but the soldiers present were excited and shouted: "Defend the family and the country!" "Defend the family and the country!"

"Kill the enemy bravely!" "Kill the enemy bravely!"

After the mobilization, Shangguan Yuntian shouted: "Let's go!"

After the sound fell, all the one hundred thousand generals turned back and headed towards the main road.

Knowing that today Shangguan Yuntian led troops to march, from the emperor's civil and military ministers to the common people, he consciously came to the road where the army passed by, and practiced for the army.

Ye Feng also came, watching Ye Huang and the others leave in a tea house on Zhuque Street.

The army set out, accompanied by food and grass.This time, it was Ye Su and Ye Huang's wolf team who were escorting the food.

As for Yehuang's other three teams, they followed Yehuang's side and set off with the army.

Although the battle report from the border has not yet arrived, Shangguan Yuntian still ordered the army to speed up and rush to the border.

When they were still about five days away from the border, Nan'an's army finally arrived at the border and took up their positions.

Looking at the menacing Nan'an army, Dazhao's guard Yan Nuo was not flustered.Because Shangguan Yuntian sent someone a message before, telling the guards to delay the battle as much as possible to wait for reinforcements.

(End of this chapter)

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