The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 806 The Husband Sings and the Wife Follows

Chapter 806 The Husband Sings and the Wife Follows ([-])

Therefore, on the second day after Nan'an's army arrived, when they came out to call for formation, the defenders ignored them and stood firm at the city gate, taking those words of formation as a deaf ear.

Of course, there were some soldiers who couldn't stand it and wanted to go out to fight, but Yan Nuo stopped them.

He kept Shangguan Yuntian's words in mind, if reinforcements were not available, he would stick to the city gate.

After scolding for a whole day, no one responded to the battle, which made the general of Nan'an Kingdom so angry that he wanted to lead people to attack the city gate immediately.

But the generals defending the city of Dazhao are not vegetarians, and they have long been prepared.When Nan'an was about to attack, he used the rockets he had prepared to shoot at the opponent's soldiers.

As a result, the soldiers of Nan'an Kingdom fell under the rockets before they approached the city gate.

Seeing that a large part of his men fell down, the Nan'an generals who originally planned to attack by force had to retreat first and find another way.

For this reason, in the first confrontation, Dazhao won a small victory.

When Shangguan Yuntian, who was on the march, received the battle report, he ordered someone to send a copy back to the capital, and at the same time told the soldiers to speed up.

The original five-day journey was shortened by Shangguan Yuntian to three and a half days.

It was already night when the army arrived at the border city of Los Angeles.Hearing that the reinforcements had arrived, Yan Nuo, the guard who was originally on duty on the city wall, was overjoyed. He dropped his own soldiers and rushed to the place where the reinforcements camped.

After driving for more than ten days, the soldiers were exhausted.Although Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang had martial arts, they were not much better. Both of them looked a bit haggard.

Looking at Yehuang's weathered and haggard face like a dehydrated flower, Shangguan Yuntian felt distressed, and said to her: "Huang'er, we have arrived, we have eaten later, you go to rest first , don't wait for me."

Although Yehuang wanted to accompany Shangguan Yuntian, she was a woman after all, and even though she was skilled in martial arts, she still couldn't compare to a man.

So, after listening to Shangguan Yuntian's words, he didn't try to be brave, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll listen to you. But, don't be too busy, it's not too urgent, try to talk about it tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." Shangguan gave Ye Huang a firm hug before striding away.He is a general, a marshal, and there are many things waiting for him to deal with.

After Shangguan Yuntian left, Yehuang simply ate something and went to rest in the tent that had been prepared earlier.

And after Shangguan Yuntian left, he asked the guards to bring Yan Nuo directly, first asked about the situation of the war, and then made some arrangements, until it was almost dawn, and then went back to the tent to rest.

Entering the big tent, looking at Ye Huang who was already lying on the bed, and seeing her frowning but still frowning while asleep, her heart ached.

Leaning over and lowering his head, he gently kissed Yehuang's forehead, then turned around and went to the big tent next door to eat something, stuffed his stomach, and returned to Yehuang's side, dressed And sleep.

When Yehuang woke up, it was already the next morning.Touching the somewhat cool mat beside him, he wondered if Shangguan Yuntian didn't come back at night, and his face was a little unsightly.

You know, in order to get to the border as soon as possible, Shangguan Yuntian has not rested for several days.If this continues, his body will collapse sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Yehuang decided that she must guard Shangguan Yuntian in the future, and she would sleep whenever he slept, lest he stay up late again when she fell asleep.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't even know about Yehuang's decision.At this time, he had already climbed to the tower and was observing the army of Nan'an on the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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