The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 807 The Husband Sings and the Wife Follows

Chapter 807

There are quite a lot of troops coming from Nan'an this time, and it's impossible to see the end from a distance.According to news, the other side came with an army of 50, more than twice that of Dazhao.

Last night, he already knew who the leading general of Nan'an Kingdom was this time.Speaking of which, he can be regarded as an old opponent, the general of Nan'an Kingdom - Gu Cheng.

A few years ago, Shangguan Yuntian also fought against Gu Cheng, each winning or losing.However, in the final battle, Shangguan Yuntian was poisoned and was defeated miserably by his men.It can be said that this Gu Cheng can be regarded as Shangguan Yuntian's real opponent.

"Who was the one who came to attack yesterday?" Shangguan Yuntian heard from Yan Nuo last night that Nan'an Guo attacked once, but they used rockets to force them back without getting close.

"It's Gu Cheng's vanguard, Deng Huai, a very young general, I've never heard of it before."

Hearing Yan Nuo said it was a young man, Shangguan Yuntian could understand why the other party was repelled without approaching.

Young people will lose their temper and think things incompletely.It stands to reason that Gu Cheng is not indiscriminate like this, so he shouldn't be attacked by force as soon as he comes.But he did it anyway, and he was holding back something bad, deliberately using Deng Huai to attract the attention of the defenders.

Thinking of this possibility, Shangguan Yuntian's face darkened, and he left the tower and went back to the command post not long after.

Back at the command post, Shangguan Yuntian didn't have time to eat breakfast, so he asked someone to find the map of Los Angeles and started to look at it.

When Yehuang came to the command post, she saw Shangguan Yuntian was concentrating on looking at the map, and there was a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns on the table next to him.

When I got closer, I saw that the porridge had lost its heat, and it was completely cold when I touched it.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian looking at the drawings and not even eating, Yehuang became angry again, suddenly reached out to pat him in front of him, and said with a cold face: "Shangguan Yuntian, can you feel full just by looking at the pictures? ?”

The sudden movement startled Shangguan Yuntian, and when he was about to teach someone, he heard Yehuang's voice, and immediately put on a smiling face, looked at her with a smile and asked, "Huang'er, what are you doing?" Why did you come to this command post without resting in the big tent?"

"Hmph, if I don't come, you will treat yourself as an iron man and won't even eat?" Yehuang's expression was very bad, and she stared at Shangguan Yuntian with a cold face.As long as she thinks that he doesn't cherish her body, she will be very angry.

"My dear Huang'er, what happened? Didn't I forget it for a while?" Shangguan Yuntian saw the porridge and steamed buns on the table next to him, and flattered him: "Huang'er, don't be angry, I will eat it now." , let’s eat now.”

While talking, Shangguan Yuntian was going to serve the porridge and steamed buns.Unexpectedly, Yehuang was one step ahead of him, picked up the thing directly, and said coldly: "Come here!"

After the sound fell, Qin Chao walked in, looked at Yehuang and asked, "Princess, what are your orders?"

"Take out the porridge and steamed buns and heat them up."

"Yes!" Qin Chao took the things and walked out.

Shangguan Yuntian rubbed his nose, walked up to Ye Huang, and said in a low voice, "Huang'er, it doesn't need to be hot. The weather is not cold yet, and there is nothing cold..."

Shangguan Yuntian stopped before finishing the word 'relationship'.Because she saw Ye Huang looking at her coldly, and his cold eyes made him feel guilty.

"Say it, why don't you say it?" Yehuang said angrily. It's all nonsense that the weather is not cold. She is almost wearing a cotton jacket, and she still says it's not cold.

 Thank you for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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