The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 808 The Husband Sings and the Wife Follows

Chapter 808

Eating cold food in this kind of weather hurts the stomach the most, Shangguan Yuntian actually said it's okay, is he trying to piss her off?
Yehuang stared at Shangguan Yuntian, her pretty face flushed with anger.

Seeing her look about to cry, Shangguan Yuntian immediately felt distressed, hugged Yehuang into his arms, and said, "Huang'er, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Shangguan Yuntian knew that it was absolutely wise to admit his mistake immediately, not to mention he didn't dare to make Yehuang angry again, otherwise Yehuang would definitely not make him feel better.

"Okay, don't hug, this is a military camp, not at home." Yehuang broke away from Shangguan Yuntian's embrace, blushing and said: "In order to supervise you at any time, I decided to follow you from now on. When you are with me, I will go wherever you go, I will rest when you rest, I will eat when you eat, and I will not eat if you don’t eat.”

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Yuntian's expression changed immediately, and he said: "Huang'er, it's dangerous to follow me. From now on, I must eat and rest on time. If you are bored staying in the big tent, you can go to the medical center Go help."

"No, I don't believe you." Ye Huang refused in a cold voice. Originally, she followed to use her strengths to help rescue the wounded.But Shangguan Yuntian didn't cherish her body so much, she had no choice but to stay by his side.

As for the medical center, with people from Yeyue and Ghost Doctor Pavilion, there will be no major problems.

"Huang'er?" Shangguan Yuntian wanted to persuade her again, but he didn't want her to give him a backlash, and stopped talking to him.

Yehuang no longer paid attention to Shangguan Yuntian's persuasion, since she had decided on something, she would not change it.In short, she is now following Ding Shangguan Yuntian, and the husband sings and the wife follows.Hmph, let's see if he dares not to take a good rest and eat in the future.

After a while, Qin Chao brought in the reheated breakfast.

This time, Shangguan Yuntian took it without Ye Huang asking, and started eating directly.

It wasn't until Shangguan Yuntian finished eating that Yehuang looked at him and said, "Yuntian, if you want to ask the kitchen to open a small stove for you every time like today, then you can continue to not eat on time."

Shangguan Yuntian knew he was wrong, so he smiled awkwardly, and dared not say anything.She knew that Ye Huang did it on purpose today, to let Qin Chao take out the heat on purpose, to let him know that because of his capriciousness, the brothers in the kitchen were busy again, which made him feel bad.

Fortunately, Yehuang didn't hold on to this matter all the time. After finishing what she had to say, she consciously became a personal soldier and stood aside.

Seeing Yehuang standing upright, and seeing that she really regarded herself as his personal soldier, Shangguan Yuntian felt very uncomfortable.Going forward, she said to her: "Huang'er, I swear to you, I will definitely eat well and rest well in the future. Can you go back first? Standing here, I am too tired, I don't want you to suffer."

Listening to Shangguan Yuntian's words, and seeing his eyes full of self-blame and distress, Yehuang didn't stand still, but glanced at him, walked to the map he was looking at before, found a stool and sat down, Said: "I won't go back, and I don't have to be a soldier. However, I want to study the next tactics with you."

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Ye Huang and nodded.He knew that Yehuang would not be obedient, and he also knew that Yehuang had his own way of tactics.Coincidentally, he was thinking about what Gu Cheng would do next, so he happened to discuss Shen Xiang with Ye Huang.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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