The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 809 The Husband Sings and the Wife Follows

Chapter 809

The two sat down together, looking at the old map of Los Angeles.

After looking at the modern map and looking at the ancient map again, Ye Huang suddenly felt loveless.Pointing to those places where he didn't know whether they were mountains or water, he asked, "Where did you find this old antique, it's not clear at all."

"Not clear?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Ye Huang, and then replied: "It's okay, this picture is considered good, at least you can see it clearly. There are only a few lines in many maps, which are all based on guesswork." .”

Yehuang was speechless when she heard the words, and then asked her where she used her fingers, "Is this a mountain or a river?"

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at it and explained it to Yehuang: "The place where the ink is heavier is the mountain, and the place where the ink is lighter is the water."

Hearing this explanation, Yehuang was directly defeated, and then stopped looking at the picture, and said to him: "You can save this picture and take a look at it slowly, I will take people out for a walk."

Let her look at such a picture to make a battle plan, it would be better to kill her.

"Are you going to do a field trip?" Shangguan Yuntian was stunned and asked.This field trip is a good way, but as the coach, he can't leave for too long.In case the enemy came, he had to stay and take command.

"That's right!" Yehuang nodded, then got up and planned to leave the command post.

No, Shangguan Yuntian then got up, grabbed her arm, pulled her into his arms, hugged her down firmly, and said in a low voice: "Be careful, bring more people by your side."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Yehuang raised her hand and hugged Shangguan Yuntian back, then withdrew from his embrace and strode away.

Originally, she wanted to stay by Shangguan Yuntian's side, but after seeing that map, she had a new idea, that is to make a new battle map.

Yehuang left the command post, found the Silver Fox Squad, took dozens of brothers out of the city, and went on a field trip.

As for Shangguan Yuntian, after Yehuang left, he directly summoned the generals, and used the map that Yehuang detested so much to analyze Gu Cheng's plan with them.

Luocheng is a mountain city, surrounded by mountains, it is a place that is easy to attack but difficult to defend.As long as the opponent can cross the mountains on either side, they can easily attack the city.

At that time, the city gates are no different from decorations.

"Yesterday, Nan'an launched a strong attack, although it failed. But this general believes that this is their tactic to lure the enemy, or it is the smoke released by Gu Cheng of Nan'an Kingdom. His purpose is estimated to be here."

While speaking, Shangguan Yuntian pointed his finger at a location on the map.

That was Nanshan in Los Angeles, and it was also the closest mountain to where the Nan'an army was stationed.Although Nanshan is high, it is not too steep. As long as you climb over this mountain, you will directly reach Nantian Town in Luocheng.

As an important town in Luocheng, although Nantian Town has an army, it has less than a hundred people.Once Nan'an's soldiers entered Nantian Town and joined forces with outsiders, the city would not be far away.

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words and seeing the position of his fingers, Yan Nuo, who was the general guard, was startled, his body broke out in cold sweat, and said: "General, what do you mean, the soldiers of Nan'an Kingdom will come from Nanshan Enter Nantian Town?"

"Yes, although this Nanshan is high, it is not steep. It is not difficult to cross it, but it will take some time."

"General, how long do you think it will take for Nan'an soldiers to cross Nanshan?" Yan Nuo asked, it would take about two hours from Luocheng to Nantian Town.I hope they rush over now, before it's too late.

(End of this chapter)

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