The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 810 The Husband Sings and the Wife Follows

Chapter 810

"Two days is enough!" Shangguan Yuntian estimated the time.If Gu Cheng had come up with this idea as soon as he arrived here, then by this time, his people would already be on the mountain.

As soon as these words came out, Yan Nuo's face changed again, and he said anxiously: "General, this subordinate requests to lead troops to Nantian Town."

Yan Nuo was afraid that it would be too late, the soldiers of Nan'an Kingdom had already arrived in Nantian Town.If that is the case, then those brothers and people in Nantian Town will suffer.

"Yes!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, for Luo City, Yan Nuo, the guard, is the most familiar, so it is most appropriate for him to lead the troops.

However, how many people to take is a question.Nan'an sent 50 troops, and I don't know how many people Gucheng sent to climb the mountain.

Or, his target is not just one Nanshan, but also several other mountains, are they also being targeted by him at the same time?
Questions flashed through Shangguan Yuntian's mind quickly, and he immediately made a decision, saying: "This general will give you a thousand soldiers and horses to go to Nantian Town. Once the soldiers from Nan'an Kingdom arrive first, don't startle them, and secretly Observe, send someone back to deliver the letter, the general will send someone to deal with them. If they haven't arrived yet, then you should guard at the foot of the mountain, come down and kill one by one, and make sure that they cannot enter the town, understand?"

"The last general obeys!" Yan Nuo took the order, went out to gather a thousand soldiers and horses, and went straight to Nantian Town.

At this time, Ye Huang and the Silver Fox team were already on the way to Nantian Town.Before, Yehuang took a general look at the direction and knew that Nantian Town was the border with Nan'an Country, so she planned to go there first.

Because there will be the first battlefield, the map of that area is very important.

Yehuang led the silver fox team to run quickly, and rushed to the junction of the two countries, Duanhun Ridge.

However, what Ye Huang didn't know was that when she was rushing to Broken Soul Ridge, Nan'an Kingdom also sent a small team to go there.

As the general of Nan'an Kingdom, Gu Cheng is also the supreme commander of this battle, so his military strategy is excellent.He has always relied on his brain to fight, not force.Although he has reached middle age, he is becoming more and more scheming.

In addition, he had been to this place a few years ago, so it can be regarded as revisiting the old place.But his heart is not on this revisit, but on how to defeat Dazhao and how to expand the territory of Nan'an Kingdom.

The war between Nan'an Kingdom and Dazhao had just started, but Nangong Yueli, who fled the capital of Dazhao, was chased by Shangguan Yuntian's men and hid in Tibet like a bereaved dog.

Ever since Nangong Yueli escaped from the capital, Shangguan Yuntian let his secret guards chase people around with great fanfare on the surface.Secretly, he asked Yan Dian's people to take action.

Yan Dian, as a mysterious and unpredictable dark force in the hands of Shangguan Yuntian, has already penetrated into every corner of the Jokhang Kingdom.

Therefore, even though Nangong Yueli changed her clothes a few times and escaped the inspection, the people from Yan Dian still found her whereabouts and chased her all the way.

If Nangong Yueli thinks about it carefully, he will find that Yan Dian's people are forcing him to go towards Luocheng.

This was Shangguan Yuntian's order. He wanted Nangong Yueli to throw herself into a trap and let him escape all the way, but in the end it was a failure and fell into his own hands.

Regarding Shangguan Yuntian's plan, Nangong Yueli didn't know at all.At this time, he was hiding in a beggar's den, pretending to be a beggar.

As for his subordinates, except for the few close to him, they were almost killed by Yan Dian's people long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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