The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 813 Encountering the Enemy Army

Chapter 813 Encountering the Enemy Army ([-])

"Shoot!" Yinhu's captain Yin stepped forward, threw a small piece of broken silver to Xiao Er, and ordered: "Find a spacious place, we have a lot of people."

"Okay, young master, please come with me." Xiao Er took the money with a smile, and led the way briskly.

A group of people followed Xiaoer to a large private room downstairs and sat down.The private room is big enough, with two large tables and dozens of chairs, enough for everyone.

Sitting on the chair, Yehuang looked at the restaurant. The business was pretty good, with people coming and going, as if it was not affected by the war at all.

Perhaps it was because of the fact that they had just fought, or the people here had great trust in the defenders.Either way, it shows that the people still have confidence in the court.

The speed at which the restaurant served the dishes was not slow. After a quarter of an hour, dishes began to be served one after another.

As soon as the dishes were on the table, the brothers didn't waste any time and started to work immediately.Seeing everyone's turbulent appearance, Yehuang knew that they were all starving, and she felt a little sorry in her heart, secretly deciding that if it was time for meal next time, she would stop to eat directly, so as not to starve everyone.

Together with the brothers, Yehuang quickly had lunch and asked for some dry food to take with her before going on the road again.

After leaving Nantian Town, as we head south, the population gradually decreases.Fortunately, they had already made preparations and ordered dry food when they ate at the restaurant, which was just enough to satisfy their hunger.

Hurrying all the way, it seemed that they were about to reach Duanhun Ridge. At this time, a sound of horse's hooves came into Yehuang's ears along with the sound of the wind, which made her vigilant and reined in the horse.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Seeing Yehuang stop, Yin couldn't help asking.He knew that Duan Hun Ridge was in sight, and Ye Huang couldn't stop without help. He must have discovered something that he didn't know.

"There is the sound of horseshoes in front, and there are probably quite a few people coming from that noise." Yehuang turned to look at Yin, and said.Among these people, her martial arts is the highest, so she can hear the movement even at a relatively long distance.

As for Yin and the others, although their martial arts are not bad, they are still far behind Ye Huang.So she could hear it, but they couldn't.

"Could it be the enemy army?" Yin was stunned and guessed.

"Whether it is or not, let's hide first." Yehuang immediately ordered the brothers to hide.

Not long after the group hid, the sound of horseshoes got closer.This time, not only Yehuang heard it, but all the brothers heard it.

Ye Huang hid on the big tree, listening to the sound of hooves and counting the number of people: one, two, three...

As the numbers in her mouth counted backwards, the expression on her face became more serious.

Damn it, the opponent's number is more than twenty times theirs.A total of 500 people came, it must be the enemy.

"Attention everyone, there are too many people on the other side, and we will play it by ear." Yehuang whispered, her eyes locked tightly on the direction of the road, looking at the people and horses that became clearer and clearer in the dust, her face was calm.

The brothers watched the men and horses getting closer, held their breath, put their hands on the weapons at their waists, and were ready to strike at any time.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, it's getting closer, seeing that the enemy army is about to reach them, the brothers are both excited and nervous.

The excitement is that they can kill the enemy as soon as they arrive.The nervous thing is that there are too many people on the other side, they can only outsmart them, not fight hard.

In a blink of an eye, the enemy is at the front.At this time, Ye Huang shouted coquettishly: "Do it!"

As she shouted, the brothers flew down from the big tree, drew their weapons, and aimed directly at the enemy's horse legs.

(End of this chapter)

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