The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 814 Encountering the Enemy Army

Chapter 814 Encountering the Enemy Army ([-])

To capture a thief first capture the king, to shoot a man first shoot a horse.

They were outnumbered by the enemy, so we had to dismount them first.

They don't have bows and arrows, but they have weapons. They can't shoot horses, but they can cut horses' legs.

The sudden attack caught the enemy army by surprise, they hurriedly drew their weapons and began to fight.

But Yehuang and her team were not in a hurry to fight each other, but went away focusing on horse legs.Therefore, in a short while, almost all the enemy's horses were injured, and the enemy was also thrown off by the injured horses and fell to the ground.

Seeing the enemy army landed, Yehuang and the brothers of the Silver Fox team formally fought against each other.

Yehuang took the lead, piercing through the enemy like a ghost, waving the weapon in her hand, harvesting the life of the enemy.

One move, one hit kills.

She walked among the enemies, like Shura who came in the dark night, killing and killing again and again.

As she killed more and more people, the enemy became timid.Silver Fox's brothers were excited, and they wanted to compete with Ye Huang.

While killing the enemies, they yelled loudly at Yehuang: "Boss, let's compare and see if you kill more enemies alone or our team kills more enemies."

"Okay, the person who loses in a while is in charge of today's dinner, how about it?"


Thus, the competition began, and the members of the Silver Fox Squad were like wolves, howling towards the enemy.As for the Yehuang, it was still the same as before, walking around the court one by one to deal with the enemy.

At the beginning, the enemy army failed to react, and suffered a lot, losing almost half of their troops.

The enemy army reacted and changed their tactics in an instant. They took advantage of the large number of people to divide the members of the team and surround them. Several people worked together to deal with one person in the team.

If it comes, the result is obviously not as good as it was at the beginning.Not only that, many members of the team were injured under the siege of the enemy.

On the other hand, Yehuang, although there were many people besieging her, did not take advantage of the slightest.On the contrary, because of the large number of people surrounding her, Yehuang directly threw out her hidden weapon, the poisoned embroidery needle.

I saw her killing the enemy with one hand and throwing hidden weapons with the other, she was extremely busy.Following her movements, those who surrounded her fell down in pieces.

Seeing more and more corpses fell at her feet, the enemy became more and more afraid of her.He wanted to go forward and kill her, but he didn't dare.Therefore, facing her is almost surrounded and dare not attack.

However, Yehuang didn't care whether they attacked or not, and waved the weapon in his hand, bullied himself up and directly killed the opponent's neck.

Time passed little by little, and the sky gradually darkened.More and more corpses fell on the ground, and the number of enemy troops decreased sharply.

The smell of blood in the air was strong, stimulating everyone's brains and making everyone excited.

Yehuang and his brothers were red-eyed, and there was nothing but killing in their minds.

They just killed, killed, and stopped until the last enemy was killed.

The enemy was dead, Ye Huang and the brothers of the Silver Fox team stood among the corpses, smiling at each other.Even though they were covered in blood, they didn't feel embarrassed at all.

At this time, they couldn't calm down for a long time.In the past, when Yehuang was training them, she said that if they wanted them, one would be worth ten, or a hundred.

Before, they could only think about it.But today, they did it.

The brothers stood quietly, looking at each other with smiles on their faces, very proud.

(End of this chapter)

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