The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 815 Encountering the Enemy Army

Chapter 815 Encountering the Enemy Army ([-])

"Okay, don't be in a daze, those who are injured should deal with them quickly. Those who are not injured, rest for a while and prepare dinner."

Yehuang's voice sounded, and the brothers looked away, checked their injuries, then found a relatively flat place, and bandaged each other.

After bandaging, the injured brothers rested, and the uninjured ones obediently went to the forest to hunt prey and dispose of the dead horses of the enemy.

It was easier to do things with more people, and after a while, the brothers came back with the prey they had hunted.

After dealing with the prey, a group of people set fire to roast.

After roasting the prey, the brothers had a full meal, and talked with Yehuang for a while before going to rest.

Besides Luocheng, because the enemy didn't come to call for battle, nor came to attack, Shangguan Yuntian left the command post early and went to a small courtyard in the city.

That small courtyard was found by Qin Chao this morning, just to make it easier for Yehuang to settle down.Although she and Shangguan Yuntian are husband and wife, it is inconvenient to always live in the big tent.

In addition, Shangguan Yuntian didn't want Yehuang to suffer, so he specially asked Qin Chao to find a courtyard in the city as a temporary place to stay.

There are two entrances in the small courtyard, more than enough for Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang to live in.

Shangguan Yuntian walked around the small courtyard, pointed out some missing things, and asked Qin Chao to buy them the next day, then returned to his room, sitting on the soft couch, thinking about Yehuang.

For the first time since they got married, they were separated.Although it was less than a day, he was thinking hard.

I don't know where Yehuang is now, and whether she is in danger.

When Shangguan Yuntian missed Ye Huang, Ye Huang also missed him.

At this time, Yehuang was lying on the fork of a big tree, looking at the bright moon in the sky through the dense leaves.It's not yet fifteen, the moon is not round, but it is very bright, which makes people miss for no reason.

Yehuang was thinking, since she was not by Shangguan Yuntian's side, she wondered if he had eaten on time, and whether he would miss her.

After silently looking at the moon for a while, seeing that it was getting late, Yehuang then withdrew her gaze and said softly: Yuntian, good night!
Then, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After a night of silence, Ye Huang was woken up by the chirping of birds in the forest the next morning.

Listening to the chirping of birds, Ye Huang opened her eyes and jumped down from the tree.

Seeing her coming down from the tree, the brothers who had woken up early smiled and greeted her.

"Boss, morning!"

"Boss, you are up."

Yehuang responded with a smile one by one, and then walked towards the nearby stream.

When I came to the stream, I washed my face in the stream, looked at the sky, and then said to the brothers who were struggling to catch fish in the stream: "Hurry up, we have to get to Duanhun Ridge as soon as possible."

"Yes, boss!"

The brothers responded, while speeding up the action of catching fish.

After breakfast, Yehuang and the brothers headed straight to Broken Soul Ridge.Duanhun Ridge, whose name sounds intimidating, is actually a cliff.It's just because this cliff is often used as a battlefield between Dazhao and Nan'an, and countless bones are buried, so it looks gloomy and a little scary.

Yehuang led the brothers to climb to the top of Duanhun Ridge, and saw the army stationed in Nan'an at a glance.

Looking at the garrison less than 500 miles away from Duanhun Ridge, and thinking about the [-] people they killed yesterday, Yehuang's face was a little dignified, and he ordered to his brothers: "Everyone, act quickly, a few people are in charge of one direction, Be sure to draw a rough topographic map within half an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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