The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 816 Ingenious tactics against the enemy

Chapter 816

The reason why Ye Huang set the time so tight was because the enemy's camp was too close to here.And they killed 500 people from each other yesterday, he was worried about being discovered by the enemy.

If they were discovered, the twenty or so of them would not be enough for the other party to bite.

"Understood!" Yin nodded, and immediately ordered the brothers to start dividing up the drawing.Fortunately, Yehuang had taught them to draw combat maps before, so they moved quickly.

As for Yehuang herself, she was not idle either, she took out a pen and began to draw quickly.Her drawing method is different from that of her brothers, much more refined than theirs.

Yehuang quickly drew on the paper, looking around from time to time.

Half an hour later, when the brothers finished drawing the picture, Ye Huang's picture was also finished.

Putting away the paper, Yehuang was about to take the brothers back, when he suddenly saw a few scouts coming out of the enemy's camp and heading towards Broken Soul Ridge.

"No, someone is coming, let's retreat quickly." Yehuang said as she led the brothers down the mountain quickly to the place where the horses were hidden.

Fortunately, the brothers all know how to do light work, although they are not top-notch, they are not bad.Before the enemy's scouts arrived, Yehuang brought his brothers back towards Luo City.

Of course, they didn't go back to Los Angeles directly, but drew a map all the way back.

When they returned to Nantian Town again, it was already a day later.

At this time, in Nantian Town, the troops brought by Yan Nuo had already arrived.They guarded around the town and at the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

Because Nanshan is relatively high and has a good view, it is suitable for drawing long-distance maps, so Yehuang is going to take his brothers up the mountain, but he doesn't want to be blocked by the soldiers guarding the foot of the mountain.

While blocking Ye Huang and his party, they sent someone to report to Yan Nuo.

As soon as Yan Nuo heard that someone was going up to Nanshan, he hurried over. When he saw Yehuang and more than 20 brothers behind him, he thought they were spies from Nan'an Kingdom. See Yin took out a token from his body.

Seeing the token, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Yan Nuo's forehead, and he secretly said that it was dangerous.If Yin hadn't taken out the token first and arrested him, the general would never have spared him.

It never occurred to Yan Nuo that Yehuang, a woman, would not stay in the city, so why did she come to Nantian Town?
Puzzled, Yan Nuo immediately saluted Ye Huang.

"This subordinate has seen the princess."

"The general is free of courtesy. This concubine wants to take someone to Nanshan to have a look, and I hope the general will let me go."

Yan Nuo was a little dazed when he heard this, and glanced at Yehuang and the brothers behind her, and said, "Princess, it's not that the last general will not let you go up the mountain, but the general analyzed that the enemy is likely to come across the mountain from Nanshan." Therefore, for the safety of the princess, the general cannot agree."

After hearing this, Yehuang frowned.She didn't find the enemy's whereabouts before, could it be that the other party has already entered the back of Nanshan?

If this is the case, she should go up the mountain to take a look.

So, Ye Huang looked at Yan Nuo and said, "Don't worry, general, I'll just take people up the mountain to have a look, and nothing will happen. Besides, if the enemy really turns over from the mountain, we can also find out about the enemy's situation."

"But..." Although what Yehuang said made sense, Ke Yannuo was still a little worried.After all, Yehuang's status is not ordinary, if something happens to her, he can't bear the responsibility.

But he was a little moved by the proposal of inquiring about the enemy's situation.In fact, he had this idea long ago, but he couldn't send anyone out for a while.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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