The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 818 Ingenious tactics against the enemy

Chapter 818

Seeing that the enemy was still some distance away from the top of the mountain, Yehuang sent a signal to the brothers in the team, urging them to go up the mountain quickly and draw the terrain map first.

Fortunately, the brothers quickly reached the top of the mountain, took out their tools and started working.After a stick of incense, all the paintings that should be painted have been drawn, and Yehuang led everyone to evacuate.

It took less than half an hour to go back and forth.

When Yan Nuo saw them going down the mountain, he was very surprised.He felt that this speed was too fast.

"Princess, you are back." Yan Nuo quickly came to Ye Huang and asked with a smile.

Ye Huang nodded, and said to Yan Nuo: "General Yan, your general judged correctly. On the top of the mountain, we found the enemy's traces, about 1 people. According to their speed, about three hours later , can reach the top of the mountain. It takes another hour to go down the mountain, and our time is only four hours at most. I wonder if the general has a good strategy to retreat from the enemy?"

Ye Huang briefly explained the situation, and Yan Nuo's expression became serious.The opponent has 1 people, but they only have 100 people.

As for the good strategy to retreat the enemy, he didn't come up with any good method, but decided to go down the mountain and kill the enemies one by one as Shangguan Yuntian explained before he came.

But the problem is that there are too many enemies, and it is impossible to go down the mountain one by one.

How can they destroy these tens of thousands of enemies?
Yan Nuo was deep in thought, with a troubled face.The number of people he brought was too small. If he had three thousand five thousand, he could still fight hard and fight a game.

But now, there are only more than 1000 people, so they must not fight recklessly, and have to outsmart them.But how to outsmart it?
Seeing Yan Nuo's silence, Ye Huang knew that he didn't have a good way to retreat from the enemy, so she couldn't help but said again: "General Yan, I wonder how many soldiers there are in the entire Nantian Town?"

"If you go back to the princess, all the soldiers in the entire town will only have more than 100 people."

"In this way, we can only outsmart."

Obedient to Yehuang's words, Yan Nuo's eyes lit up, and asked, "Is there something the princess can do?"

Yehuang is a heroine with both wisdom and bravery, and a heroine who does not give in to men.Now, since she proposed outsmarting, she must have an idea.

Thinking of this, Yan Nuo's eyes became more eager and expectant.

"General Yan, this concubine has an idea, let's find a place to discuss it." Ye Huang did not disappoint Yan Nuo, she did have some ideas and plans.If arranged properly, you can definitely win more with less and kill the enemy by surprise.

"Okay, okay, okay, princess, please follow the future." Yan Nuo was overjoyed, and took Yehuang to his temporary residence.

When they arrived at the place, Ye Huang sat down and started talking about her plan without even drinking water.She asked about the population of Nantian Town, and there were about 8000 people.Excluding the elderly, children and women, the labor force is almost 4000 people.

Plus more than 1000 soldiers, there are more than 5000 people in total.With so many people and four hours, there are many things to do.

Therefore, Yehuang asked Yan Nuo to gather the soldiers, and at the same time asked people to gather the able-bodied common people.

When the number of people arrived, she told her plan, which made everyone excited.Especially those ordinary people, they are very proud to be able to participate in defending their homes and the country, and they don't even want Yehuang Xu's wages.

After the mobilization, Yehuang asked the brothers of the Silver Fox Team to take a part of them to the place where Nanshan was going to set up an ambush, and began to set up traps and traps according to the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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