The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 819 Ingenious tactics against the enemy

Chapter 819

Many people are powerful.

More than 5000 people work together, busy and orderly.Everyone divided the labor and cooperated, and quickly fixed the trap required by Yehuang.

While checking, Yehuang offered suggestions for repairs.Three hours later, all the things to be prepared were ready, just waiting for the enemy to come.

Seeing that everyone was very tired, Ye Huang let the soldiers go to rest, and at the same time sent people to check the enemy's whereabouts.

As expected, the enemy had reached the top of the mountain and was taking a rest.Just wait for a good rest, and then go down the mountain in one fell swoop.

After resting the soldiers for about half an hour, Ye Huang asked Yan Nuo to take everyone to hide in secret, waiting for the enemy to come down.

It didn't take long for them to hide, and the enemy began to descend the mountain in batches.

The enemy went down the mountain very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, and the green enemies rolled down like watermelons one by one.

Seeing the enemy going down the mountain like this, Yehuang was very glad that she let the soldiers go into an ambush half an hour in advance, otherwise the enemy would definitely run into them according to the original plan.

The enemy rolled down the mountain, and before reaching the predetermined position, they were taken in by the trap dug before.

Originally, when they rolled down the mountain, they could not see well when they were in a ball, and they couldn't find the trap at all.Coupled with the camouflage on the trap, it is even more difficult to find.So, I didn't know it was broken until one by one fell into the trap, but it was already too late.

Enemies fell into the trap one by one, making the soldiers who were ambushing secretly very happy, and they admired Yehuang more and more in their hearts.

Yan Nuo and Ye Huang stood together, seeing that almost all the enemies in the first wave were hit, they were in a good mood, then turned to Ye Huang and said, "Princess, you are simply too powerful. You have no strategy left to control the enemy like this!" , the general admires him so much that he falls to the ground."

"Okay, no need to flatter, go and see how many people in those traps are still alive." Yehuang smiled faintly, and was not overly proud of Yan Nuo's praise.

"Yes, the last general will go here." Yan Nuo left happily, and Ye Huang gestured towards the dark.Immediately, a bird chirping came into her ears.

Hearing the sound of birds, Ye Huang asked the people around her to inform Yan Nuo to speed up, the second batch of enemies was about to go down the mountain.

Yan Nuo and his brothers were repairing the enemies who fell into the trap but were still alive. Hearing Ye Huang's reminder, he ordered: "Brothers, speed up and be quick with your hands and feet. The second wave of enemies is coming! .”

As soon as they heard that the second wave of enemies was coming, the brothers were so excited that they used their hands and feet to kill the enemy who was still breathing, and then jumped out of the trap and hid again.

Not long after they hid, the second group of enemies who came down the mountain arrived.

However, this wave did not roll down like the first wave, but ran down.Their speed is also very fast, like a 1000-meter race, and they ran down in one breath at an altitude of more than [-] meters.

The enemy originally planned to run to the foot of the mountain to take a breather, but before reaching the foot of the mountain, they encountered a hidden weapon.

The sharpened branches shot towards the enemy with the power of the rope, and the sound of Haloxylon mixed with screams sounded at the foot of the mountain, playing an exciting piece of music.

Hearing the screams, the soldiers hiding in the dark were ready to move.They really wanted to jump out to see the end of the enemy, but they didn't dare to come out without orders.

The feeling of wanting to see, but not being able to see, and having to endure it is like a hand scratching their heart and lungs, making them extremely uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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