The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 820 Ingenious tactics against the enemy

Chapter 820 Ingenious Strategy to Control the Enemy ([-])

Although the foot of the mountain was far away from the top of the mountain, the screams of the enemy still reached the ears of the enemy general on the top of the mountain.

Hearing the screams below, the enemy general was taken aback, stood up quickly, found a big tree, climbed up, and looked towards the foot of the mountain.

Looking at it like this, the enemy general saw that his men died screaming one by one before they approached the foot of the mountain.

"No, they've been prepared." The enemy general yelled, his face turned ugly.

Although he was far away, he still vaguely saw that the things that put his men to death were the branches of trees.

"General, what shall we do then?" Someone asked.No wonder the first batch of people didn't send a signal to come up after they went down. It turned out that the people of Dazhao had already prepared.

Now it seems that the person who went down the first dial is probably dead.

Seeing that hundreds of his own people died so easily, the enemy general was so angry that he ordered: "Gather the team and let's go down together. This general wants to see how capable they are and how capable they are." Eat up our tens of thousands of people in one bite."

"General, think twice." Someone disagreed and persuaded the speaking general.

"Think twice, think twice, our people are going to die." The general roared, their task was to enter Nantian Town, and then cooperate with the army outside.

Now, they have all reached the top of Nanshan, with Nantian Town below, and they are only one step away from success.At this time, in addition to going forward bravely, is it possible to retreat?

"General, let's go on like this, it's no different from sending us to death." The man persuaded again, seeing that the general was indifferent, anxious and worried, and then said: "General, this subordinate knows what our mission is, but now It's not the time to act out of loyalty. Since the other party has long been prepared, we will go down rashly, and there is nothing but death."

"Then what do you think we should do? Is it possible that we will stay on the top of this mountain?" The general became annoyed and glared at the subordinate who spoke.

"Don't worry, general, let me think about it carefully." The man comforted the general who ran away violently, thinking of countermeasures.

Time passed bit by bit, the screams became less and less, and finally stopped.

As soon as the screams stopped, the general climbed up the tree again and looked down the mountain.At this time, the foot of the mountain became quiet again, as if nothing had happened, except for the sound of the wind, there was no movement at all.

After killing two groups of enemies in a row, Yehuang knew that the enemy must have been alerted and would not go down the mountain easily.So, she asked some soldiers to come out to deal with the enemy's corpse, deliberately exposing the whereabouts to the enemy.

According to Ye Huang's instructions, the soldiers piled up the enemy's corpses and piled them up into a hill.

The enemy soldiers on the mountain saw their brothers dead and piled up into a hill, and they were filled with hatred.Together, they asked the general leading the team: "General, when are we going down to avenge our brothers?"

"General, you see that there are not many of them, what are we waiting for?"

"General, the brothers died unjustly and tragically. Can you let us go down and avenge them?"

The general of the enemy army has long wanted to go down to avenge his brothers, but he was just persuaded by his subordinates.

Now looking at the excited soldiers, the hatred in their hearts was ignited again, and they ordered without hesitation: "All the troops listen to the order, assemble, and go down the mountain. I will take you here to avenge those dead brothers."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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