The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 821 Fighting in Melee

Chapter 821 Melee Fight ([-])

Hearing the general's order, the person who persuaded him stood up again and advised, "General, don't be impulsive."

"Then what do you say?" The general was very annoyed, staring at the person who persuaded him.That is, the so-called military division in their army, very annoyed.

Let him watch his subordinates die tragically one by one, but do nothing, he can't do it.

"General, please allow your subordinates to think about it again." The man said as he had no better solution for a while.

But his words sounded like a joke to others, so someone sarcastically said: "General, I think this Mr. Gao just has a name in vain. As a military adviser, he only knows how to persuade the general not to be impulsive." , but don’t know how to come up with a plan, it’s really impressive.”

"Exactly, General, even the subordinates can see the problem, but Mr. Gao can't see it. It's not just a name for nothing."

"Yes, our whereabouts were discovered by the people of Dazhao, and they had already prepared and designed a trap to wait for us. But it is precisely because of this that they have exposed their lack of manpower. If there are too many of them, they will We will not be able to defeat the enemy in this way.”

"Besides, it is impossible to recycle the mechanisms they designed. It has been used once, and it will not be used again later. And this is our chance. I can guarantee that we will go down now, Even if we lose some people, we can completely take down Nantian Town."

Hearing the sound analysis of his subordinates, the general felt that it made sense, so he gave the so-called Mr. Gao a cold look, and then ordered again: "Brothers, go, and take revenge on this general."

After speaking, he took the lead and ran towards the foot of the mountain.

Seeing that the enemy finally moved out again, Ye Huang breathed a sigh of relief.She was really worried that the other party would just give up like this.

If the enemy doesn't come, then the remaining arrangements will be in vain.

Fortunately, the enemy finally came.

"Brothers, get ready, the enemy's large army is coming." Ye Huang reminded, then found a suitable position, waiting for the enemy to snare them.

Ten minutes later, the fast enemy rushed in, fell into the mechanism again, and was killed directly.

The generals of the enemy army had already prepared, so seeing those brothers die like this, they were not as angry as they were at the beginning, but secretly swore in their hearts that they must kill Yehuang and the others to avenge their brothers.

The number of enemies is relatively large, although there are many traps, but they are quickly exhausted.

When the last mechanism came into play, most of the enemies were killed or injured, but there were still thousands of people left.

At this time, Yehuang didn't let everyone hide anymore, and directly issued an order, directing the brothers to fight the enemy close to hand.

The enemy army was very happy to see the soldiers of Jokhang appear.They knew that Dazhao no longer had hidden hidden weapons that would steal people's lives.

For this reason, they can confidently and boldly fight each other.

In addition, they have more people, and there are fewer people on Dazhao's side, so they are more confident in defeating their opponents.

Holding a big knife, Yan Nuo went straight to the enemy's general. He was going to kill him today to mark his military exploits.

The members of the Silver Fox Squad also participated in the battle. Although they were small in number, they were top-notch in terms of combat effectiveness and force value.

In a short time, hundreds of people have died tragically under their swords.

(End of this chapter)

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