The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 822 Fighting in Melee

Chapter 822 Melee Fight ([-])

It was rare for the members of the team to go to the battlefield in person. While excited, they also desperately killed the enemy.

In a short time, they were surrounded by the dead bodies of the enemy.

Yehuang stood aside, watching the brothers fight, feeling a little itchy.But she didn't directly join the battle circle. Instead, she watched all directions and listened to all directions, always paying attention to whether someone was attacking from behind.

Once someone did this, she would take action without hesitation and directly use embroidery needles to finish off the opponent.

In this way, although Ye Huang did not directly participate in the fight, many enemies died in her hands.

Time passed little by little, although with the help of Yehuang and Silver Fox team, there were still too few people on Dazhao's side, more than 1000 people were against thousands of people, and they soon lost the wind.

If they persisted, the more than 1000 people on Dazhao's side would soon become corpses one after another.

The enemy is also aware of this problem, so they are not in a hurry, and consume slowly. Anyway, in their view, the final victory must belong to them.

Yan Nuo devoted himself to fighting against the enemy's general, and had no idea that his brothers were slowly decreasing.He and the general of the enemy army are about the same age and martial arts, so it is difficult to tell the winner at the moment.

Once they came, the two would slowly fight from the middle of the battle circle to the side, and then to a remote place.

Yehuang looked at it, thinking about it.She knew that she couldn't face that person directly, otherwise Yan Nuo would lose face.

In this way, she can only help secretly.I hope that the death of the enemy general can affect the morale of the enemy army.

With a decision in mind, Yehuang slowly walked behind the two fighting people, and then shot a silver needle while the two were not paying attention.

The silver needle was shot out, and soon sank into the body of the enemy general, causing him a small tingling pain.

This kind of pain is very slight, and most people will not notice it, let alone the enemy general who is wholeheartedly fighting against Yan Nuo?
At this time, he didn't know that it was that small sting that would kill him.At this moment, he was thinking about how to defeat Yan Nuo, even kill Yan Nuo and take off his head.

The generals of the enemy army dealt with Yan Nuo for a while, and soon came up with a plan to defeat the enemy.With an idea, he showed a smug smile on his face, looked at Yan Nuo and said loudly: "Boy, just be good and arrest me, otherwise I will let you die in a while without a place to bury you."

When Yan Nuo heard this, he laughed angrily, and replied, "I am, whoever wants to be my father, it is not certain who will win."

"Hmph, don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, watch the trick!" The enemy general was a little angry, and raised a spear in his hand to pick Yan Nuo's body.

When Yan Nuo saw that the opponent had changed his moves, he was not surprised at all, and continued to fight the opponent according to his own martial arts.

However, the generals of the enemy army had already seen through this point, so they changed their tactics.So, when Yan Nuo made a move, his long spear stretched, retracted, raised and raised, and went straight to Yan Nuo's chin.

Seeing that the tip of the gun was about to pierce his chin, Yan Nuo's expression changed, and without thinking about it, he did a backflip and avoided it.

But the opponent's long spear seemed to have a spirituality suddenly, and he chased after him.Rang Yannuo couldn't avoid it at all, he would either die or be injured.

In order to save his own life, Yan Nuo stopped suddenly, bent his left hand, and put his arm across his chin, trying to replace his chin injury.

(End of this chapter)

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