The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 823 Fighting in Melee

Chapter 823 Melee Fight ([-])

Seeing that Yan Nuo's arm was about to be stabbed by the enemy general's spear, the other party's face suddenly changed, and he loosened his grip on the spear, and the spear fell down.

The sound of the spear falling to the ground was very loud, which startled Yan Nuo.Looking up, he noticed the strangeness of the enemy general.

This discovery made Yan Nuo secretly happy, and he raised the big knife in his hand and chopped off at the enemy's head.

This knife will definitely cut off the enemy's head.

But at this moment, just when his broadsword was about to cut off the enemy's head, a sword appeared out of thin air and blocked the enemy general.

The enemy general thought that he would die under Yan Nuo's knife, and was about to close his eyes and die, but he didn't want to block someone in front of him.

After taking a closer look, it turned out that it was Mr. Gao whom he didn't like to see before.

Seeing the other party, the enemy general was a little surprised and asked, "Mr. Gao, why are you here?"

He thought that Mr. Gao should leave, but he didn't expect him to come to rescue him.

Feeling slightly touched, the enemy general looked at Mr. Gao, opened his mouth to say something, but finally said nothing, grabbed the spear that fell on the ground, and stood up again.

"General, take a break, this person will be handed over to your subordinates." Mr. Gao saw that the general was about to make a move, so he couldn't help but speak first.

If he hadn't come in time just now, the general might have died.No matter what his attitude towards himself was before, he couldn't just watch the general of the first army die like this.

Therefore, even if his martial arts are not good, he still wants to defend the opponent for a while.

The general originally wanted to refuse, but he didn't know what he thought of, so he nodded, turned and left.

Yan Nuo was very annoyed watching the enemy general leave, and vented his anger directly on Mr. Gao.

He abruptly withdrew the broadsword, then cut it out again, heading straight for Mr. Gao's shoulder.

Mr. Gao looked at it, and while avoiding it, he swung his long sword and fought with Yan Nuo.

Ye Huang, who was watching the battle, suddenly saw the enemy's general appear in sight, and was very surprised.She thought that something had happened to Yan Nuo, so she couldn't help but turn her head to look.

When she saw that Yan Nuo was fighting with others, she was slightly relieved.

As long as there is nothing wrong with the promise, otherwise this scuffle will definitely end in failure.

After less than half an hour of fighting, both sides lost a lot of people.There were corpses everywhere on the ground, and a thick smell of blood floated in the air.

Yehuang frowned. If things go on like this, even if all the enemies can be wiped out, the price to be paid will be heavy.

At this time, she desperately hoped that reinforcements would come. After all, more than 1000 soldiers were still too few to face the enemy's tens of thousands of troops.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian, the command post in Los Angeles, had already received the news that Nanshan had found the enemy, and knew how many troops the enemy had.Therefore, he acted decisively and immediately sent 5000 people to support Nantian Town.

However, most of the soldiers sent this time were infantry, even if they ran all the way, it would take about three hours from Luocheng to Nantian Town.

So, when Yehuang was in a hurry, the reinforcements were on their way, about three miles away from the battlefield.

No, I can't wait any longer.

While thinking about it, Yehuang planned to use poison.

It's just that she doesn't have much poisonous powder in her hand, and the effect of spilling it out seems to be good.So she was thinking, what method should be used to maximize the effectiveness of the poison powder and kill the enemy to the maximum extent.

(End of this chapter)

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