The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 824 Fighting in Melee

Chapter 824 Melee Fight ([-])

Just as she was thinking, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from her ears.

Hearing the sound, she was overjoyed, dropped the crowd of scuffles, flew up to a big tree, and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

At the end of the road, an army was running forward, it was the reinforcement she was waiting for.

Looking at the running team, Ye Huang showed a bright smile on her face, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Brothers of Dazhao, come on, our reinforcements will arrive soon."

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers who were exhausted from the killing instantly became as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and their fighting spirit became high.

On the other hand, the enemy army, when they heard Ye Huang's words, they all became nervous. They were focused on killing the enemy while quietly looking towards the road, wondering if Ye Huang's words were a lie.

The distance of three miles is not far, and the reinforcements came running, so they appeared on the main road very quickly.

Seeing the reinforcements, the soldiers of Dazhao were relieved, and they seemed to be full of strength for a moment, shouting: "Kill, kill, kill!"

Following the shout, the soldiers rushed towards the enemy like tigers.

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, the enemy became timid.Even though the enemy general yelled to tell everyone not to panic and to calm down, the soldiers still panicked.

The morale of the army is scattered, and the combat effectiveness drops sharply.Dead and wounded, dozens of dead souls were added soon.

As soon as the reinforcements arrived, the situation changed immediately. The enemy had the upper hand, but now the soldiers of Dazhao had the upper hand.

The reinforcements ran all the way, and they were actually quite tired, but when they saw the enemy, they regained their energy, and they didn't even take a break, and went straight into the battle.

The enemy general saw that many reinforcements had arrived, but two-thirds of his men were already dead. If he continued to attack, the entire army would definitely be wiped out.

In this way, not to mention completing the task, even surviving is a big problem.

Therefore, the enemy general made a prompt decision to keep the green hills, so that he would not be afraid of running out of firewood.Then he suddenly shouted, "Brothers in Nan'an, retreat!"

The enemy general shouted and fled south with his own soldiers.It is impossible to go to Nanshan, and they will not be able to escape at all.

The only way out was to go through Nantian Town and flee in the direction of Duanhun Ridge.In this way, life may be saved.

The soldiers of the enemy army saw that their own general had run away, and even gave the order to retreat. Who would love to fight, put away their weapons, and chased after the general.

As soon as the reinforcements arrived, the enemy was about to run away, how could they be willing.Without saying a word, he raised his foot and chased after him.

One ran in front and the other chased behind, making the team very long.The footsteps shook the ground, making a dull sound.

Seeing that the enemy was about to flee, Yehuang's expression darkened instantly, and she gave orders to lead Yinhu's brothers to chase after him.

Seeing the enemy's intentions, in order to prevent the enemy from escaping, she and Yinhu's brothers immediately used lightness kung fu and rushed to the front of the enemy, directly blocking their way.

While fleeing for their lives, someone suddenly blocked the way.The enemy army was stunned for a moment, but quickly came back to their senses, raised their weapons and charged at Yehuang and Yinhu's brothers.

Seeing the enemy approaching, Yehuang's eyes flickered, her figure flickered, and she turned around among the enemies like a ghost, and when she returned to her original position, the enemies fell down one by one.

When the enemy general saw that his subordinates were silently killed by Ye Huang, his face immediately changed. He looked at her straight and asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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