The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 832 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 832 Leading the Snake Out of the Hole ([-])

There are quite a few farms outside the city of Los Angeles, and most of the fruits in Los Angeles come from these nearby farms.

Just now Nangong Yueli took a look and found that the delivery people from the farm could easily enter the city.He went to the farm to get a suit of clothes, and then sneaked in as a delivery man.

Nangong Yueli soon arrived at the farm, sneaked in quietly, and changed into a suit of clothes that fit her.

After changing his clothes, he went to the kitchen to find some food, and only then hid in the dark to pay attention to the movement of the farm.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long when there was a commotion from the farm, and several carriages were pulling vegetables towards Los Angeles.

Nangong Yueli lowered her head, wearing a bamboo hat, quietly followed behind the carriage, and slowly approached the city gate. When the soldiers guarding the city checked, he passed the way he stole together when he stole the clothes before.

The guard looked at Nangong Yueli dressed as a farmer, and was with the food delivery person, and Lu Yin didn't have much doubts. He took a casual look and let him go in with the vegetable farmers.

After entering the city, Nangong Yueli followed the food delivery person for a while, then left alone and found an inn to rest.

Although there is a war, the restaurants, inns and shops in Keluo City are still open.Nangong Yueli has the guide at hand, so it is easy to lodge.

After opening a room, Nangong Yueli slept soundly.After waking up, he secretly inquired about Shangguan Yuntian's news, trying to avoid places where he could meet him.

Nangong Yueli knew that the current him did not have the ability to compete with Shangguan Yuntian.Not to mention that he didn't know much about the opponent's martial arts, but he didn't dare to do anything if this was Shangguan Yuntian's territory.

Otherwise, not to mention finding someone to return to Nan'an, they may not even be able to get out of the room.

For her grand plan of returning home, Nangong Yueli tried her best to keep a low profile.He found out all the news before leaving the inn.

As soon as Nangong Yueli left the inn, the people who followed secretly found out.As soon as he sent the letter to Qin Chao, he secretly followed.

The boss has spoken, he has to take it easy if he wants to use the big fish Nangong Yueli to bring out the little fish in the dark.

Nangong Yueli left the inn, in order to prevent anyone from following her, she intentionally wandered on the street first.After shopping for about an hour, I found a teahouse and walked in.

After entering the teahouse, Nangong Yueli glanced at a certain place on the wall, then walked in with confidence, ordered a pot of tea, and drank it slowly.

The people in the dark saw that Nangong Yueli did nothing but drink tea after entering the teahouse, and couldn't help but feel strange, but he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Nangong Yueli was drinking tea while observing the people in the teahouse, until she realized that there was no follow-up or threat, then she asked Xiao Er to bring a pen and paper over.

After the second child was delivered, Nangong Yueli drew a strange figure on the paper.

Seeing the graphic, Xiao Er's pupils narrowed slightly, but he didn't say anything, then turned and left.

Not long after Xiaoer left, Nangong Yueli also left.Before leaving, he destroyed the picture he had drawn before.

No one who followed secretly saw the shape of the graph, and was a little annoyed, blaming himself for not getting closer to the other party.But when she saw Nangong Yueli leaving, she didn't stay any longer, turned around and followed.

It was just surprising that after leaving the teahouse, there was no trace of Nangong Yueli.

This discovery surprised the people who followed in secret, and while sending a message to Qin Chao, they searched around the teahouse.

When Qin Chao got the news, he didn't dare to delay, and immediately reported to Shangguan Yuntian, and assigned a manpower to monitor the teahouse.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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