The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 833 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 833 Leading the Snake Out of the Hole ([-])

But at this time, Nangong Yueli, who disappeared out of thin air, was in a dark room.

"This subordinate has met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" A middle-aged man knelt down in front of Nangong Yueli, who happened to be the shopkeeper of the teahouse.

"How's the war going?" Nangong Yueli asked, judging from the situation in the city, it didn't seem to be affected by the war.I don't know what Gu Cheng is doing there, it's been so many days, and there is no movement.

"Returning to His Highness, apart from the one fight a few days ago, there has been no movement between the two sides these days. Oh, by the way, yesterday, King Yun sent a troop out of the city and headed towards Nantian Town."

"Nantian Town? Could it be that Gu Cheng plans to capture Nantian Town?" Nangong Yueli frowned, wondering what kind of medicine Gu Cheng sold in the gourd.

"The subordinates have not received the news that the general is going to attack Nantian Town."

Nangong Yueli frowned more and more when she heard the words, she pondered for a while, and said, "I'm going to see Gu Cheng, please make arrangements."

"Yes, this subordinate will go to arrange the platoon right now. Your Highness is not in a good situation now, why don't you just rest here for the time being?"

Originally, Nangong Yueli wanted to go back to the inn, but then she thought that this is Shangguan Yuntian's territory, so it's better to be careful, so she nodded and said, "That's fine!"

Nangong Yueli temporarily settled down in the secret room, but Qin Chao was reporting his disappearance to Shangguan Yuntian.

"What are you talking about, Nangong Yueli is missing?" Shangguan Yuntian's complexion was not very good, a cooked duck could fly, which made him very angry.

"Yes, our people have been following Nangong Yueli. But after he came out of the teahouse, he disappeared. After searching for a long time, there was no trace of him."

Speaking of this, Qin Chao was also very angry.He was able to lose people, and he didn't know what the follower was doing for food.

"Did you go to the inn where he lived?" Shangguan Yuntian asked, wondering if the other party would go back to the inn.

"I've looked for it, but Nangong Yueli didn't return to the inn."

Shangguan Yuntian pondered for a while, looked up at Qin Chao and said: "So, he should still be in that teahouse."

"Master, we also checked that teahouse secretly, and found nothing unusual."

"No, there must be something weird about that teahouse, but you didn't notice it." Shangguan Yuntian would not believe that Nangong Yueli could get the news out of thin air.He doesn't know how to go to the sky or enter the earth, so how could he just say he doesn't see him?But it still disappeared after leaving the teahouse.

If he guessed right, there must be something wrong with the design of the teahouse.

"Then let someone check it out."

"No, if you let people secretly stare at the shopkeeper of the teahouse and the waiter inside, you will definitely find something." Shangguan Yuntian confessed that if Nangong Yueli hid in the teahouse, he would not be able to hide for long, and he would think of ways to find out as soon as possible. back to Nan'an.

Now that the two countries are at war, Nangong Yueli doesn't have much time to waste.

"Yes, this subordinate is going to arrange the arrangement." Qin Chao took the order to leave, Shangguan Yuntian reached out and tapped on the table lightly, thinking if he were Nangong Yueli, how would he leave Luocheng, and where would he go? way to leave.

At this time, the atmosphere in the camp of Nan'an Kingdom was a little dignified.Gu Cheng sat on the main seat with a gloomy face, looked at the generals below, but did not speak.

These days, he has not sent troops, one is to let the soldiers rest, and the other is to climb over the mountains and enter the city to cooperate with the inside and outside.

But he didn't want to, he just got the news that all the people he sent to Nanshan to seize Nantian Town were wiped out.

 Thanks to Yanzi Lake for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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