The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 868 The Battle Is Stalemate

Chapter 868

Seeing the movement of Ye Huang's hands, Nangong Yueli's expression changed, and she hurriedly backed away.But he was already close to the wall, so when he retreated, he was directly stuck to the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

All the powder was sprinkled on his body, and Nangong Yueli suddenly felt unwell.

"Princess Yun, what did you do to me?" Nangong Yueli stared at Ye Huang with an extremely ugly expression.He is not a fool who doesn't know anything. The things Yehuang spilled are fragrant, but they are deadly poisons.

Otherwise, how could he feel unwell.

"It's nothing, I put a little poison on you, so you can experience the feeling of rolling." Yehuang smiled, admitting that she had been poisoned.

When Nangong Yueli heard that it was indeed poison, her face became more and more ugly, her eyes widened, and she stared fiercely at Yehuang, as if her gaze wanted to pierce her body.

"Despicable!" Nangong Yueli spat out two words, enduring the pain from her body, restraining her urge to roll over.

"Despicable?" Ye Huang sneered, and said, "I poisoned you in an open and honest manner, how can I be despicable?"

"You?" Nangong Yueli was so angry that he wanted to say something more, but the pain in his body hit him wave after wave, making him speechless.

"Prince Nangong, don't hold back, just get out if you want to." Ye Huang looked at Nangong Yueli's forbearance, and said lightly.

The more she endured the poison, the more painful it became. If she rolled it on the ground, it would make her feel better.

Nangong Yueli stared at her without saying a word, the veins on her forehead were throbbing, her hands clenched into fists, her nails dug deep into her palms.

But he didn't seem to feel it. All his energy and focus were on the poison on his body, and on the pain caused by the poison.

At this moment, Nangong Yueli wanted to kill Yehuang, but he couldn't.Not to mention that he was poisoned, even if he wasn't poisoned, he was no match for Ye Huang.

At this moment, Nangong Yueli regretted that she hadn't learned martial arts well, and she couldn't help Yehuang with all her brains.

"I can't tell, Prince Nangong has good endurance." Seeing Nangong Yueli's forbearance, Yehuang's eyes flashed with admiration.

This Nangong Yueli is much stronger than Nangong Chen.No wonder, he can become the crown prince, but Nangong Chen can only become a pawn, a leader of a small business.

Qin Chao stood aside, watching Nangong Yueli warily, always on guard against his surprise attack.

Time passed bit by bit, and the pain continued, Nangong Yueli had reached the end of her patience.In the end, under Ye Huang's cold eyes, he fell to the ground and rolled around.

Yehuang watched indifferently, with indifference on his face.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Huang and Qin Chao left the prison.

At this time, the Nan'an State camp was already blowing smoke before dusk.For the next day's battle, Gu Cheng specially asked the gang leader to cook in advance so that the soldiers participating in the battle could eat and rest early.

After dinner, Lu Feng and Huang Qi took the soldiers to have an early rest.The next morning, the gang leader got up early again to prepare breakfast for them.

After breakfast, Lu Feng and Huang Qi each led 500 troops and headed straight to Los Angeles in two groups.

However, what they didn't know was that there were Dazhao's men and horses waiting for them on the way.

Leaving the camp, Lu Feng led the team to deliberately choose a small path.

Compared with the main road, the small road is not a little bit closer.If it goes well, taking the small path can reach Los Angeles at least an hour earlier.

He wanted to reach Los Angeles before Huang Qi's men, which was why Lu Feng took the path.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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