The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 869 The Battle Is Stalemate

Chapter 869

The path is a mountain road, so it is not easy to walk.Lu Feng led his men, and took advantage of the slightly bright sky to rush towards the direction of Luocheng.

At the same time, Huang Qi also led the team to Los Angeles.Huang Qi walked the main road, and the soldiers could still half-walk and half-run.

But it's not the case with Lu Feng. The mountain road is difficult to walk, let alone run away, even if you walk, you have to be careful.

Fortunately, the sky was getting brighter and brighter, and the soldiers also mastered some skills, unlike the occasional wrestling at the beginning.

The camp of Nan'an Kingdom is about [-] miles away from Luo City, and it will take an hour and a half if you take the main road.But if you take the path, it only takes more than half an hour.

If there was no ambush, Lu Feng's team would definitely arrive before Huang Qi's.It's a pity that Lu Feng thought he was clever and led his men to take a small path, and thus fell into an ambush.

Originally, Mo Quan set up ambushes on both sides of the main road.But the scouts came to report that the enemy had divided into two groups, one took the small road and the other took the main road.

When Mo Quan heard this, he immediately had an idea.To be honest, ambushing on the main road is not good for our own side in terms of terrain.Once you fight, you will definitely suffer.

But if ambushing on the small road, it would definitely take advantage of the right time, place and people.Therefore, Mo Quan only thought about it for a while, and decided to take the men and horses to the path.

So, before Lu Feng's men arrived, Mo Quan led his men to ambush on the path he must pass.

The mountains were high and the forests were dense, and Mo Quan's thousands of troops quickly disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Lu Feng didn't know there was an ambush on the road at all, and he couldn't help but feel happy when he saw that he could reach Los Angeles after walking about two miles.

Heart said: Huang Qi, let's see how you compete with me this time.

"Everyone take a rest where you are." Lu Feng saw that he would be arriving in Los Angeles soon, and decided to let the soldiers take a good rest.

Hearing Lu Feng's words, the soldiers immediately sat down on the ground.To be honest, this mountain road is really difficult to walk, and many of them have worn out their feet.

So when resting, many soldiers took off their shoes and checked their feet.

Lu Feng looked at it, but he didn't stop it.He knew that the mountain road was difficult and made his subordinates suffer.But when he thought about his achievements in battle, he felt that it was worth suffering such a little bit of suffering.

It's just that what Lu Feng didn't expect was that when they were resting, there would be Dazhao's men and horses coming out of the forest.

When he saw the men and horses who were dressed differently from the Nan'an soldiers, he was stunned and couldn't recover.

It wasn't until Mo Quan surrounded them with his men that Lu Feng realized that he was ambushed.

So, his face became ugly, and he exclaimed: "No, we have been ambushed."

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers under him immediately put on their shoes one after another, got up and stood up, and then confronted the Dazhao soldiers who surrounded him.

"General, what should we do?" Someone asked Lu Feng in a low voice, helpless.If they rush out before the enemy encircles them, they may still have a way out.But now, the enemy has surrounded them, and it is not easy to break through.

"What should I do? Let's kill him, what else can I do?" Lu Feng replied without thinking.Without a fight, they can't be caught without a fight.

"Yes!" The people around him responded, and then shouted loudly: "Brothers, let's go out."

As soon as the shout came out, the soldiers of Nan'an had already drawn their weapons and rushed towards Dazhao's troops.

Seeing the movements of the soldiers in Nan'an, Mo Quan sneered and said, "If you want to break out, it's a dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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