The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 870 The Battle Is Stalemate

Chapter 870

After finishing speaking, Mo Quan turned his head and said to his brothers: "Brothers, kill! Let the youngsters in Nan'an see how powerful we are."

Following Mo Quan's words, Dazhao's ten soldiers rushed towards Nan'an's soldiers.

Soon, the two sides clashed.The soldiers of Dazhao had already been greatly motivated by the victories of Nanshan and Beishan, but they regretted that they did not participate directly, and could only envy and hate.

Now, it's finally my turn to do it myself, and I have the desire to compare.They felt that they would not be able to lose to the former defenders of Nanshan and Beishan. They felt that if they could wipe out the enemy, so could they.

As a result, they all howled like wolves, and rushed towards the enemy with great bravery.

The soldiers in Nan'an were tired from walking first, and then they were surrounded. They lost [-]% of their momentum.Seeing that all the soldiers of Dazhao seemed desperate for their lives, they became even more timid.

As a result, morale dropped a lot in an instant.

Once the morale is drained, it will be difficult to win again.Therefore, Nan'an's side soon fell into a disadvantage, and was constantly suppressed and beaten by Dazhao's soldiers.

Dazhao's morale was high, and he became more and more courageous as he fought. With a few strokes, the soldiers in Nan'an were injured, some died, and some were captured.

Half an hour later, all the troops in Nan'an fell into Dazhao's hands, except for the dead, everyone else was captured.

After winning the first battle, Mo Quan sent someone to deliver a letter to Di Jiutian while cleaning the battlefield.

As the left vanguard of Nan'an Kingdom, Lu Feng was defeated by the enemy's subordinates in the first battle and was captured by the enemy. He felt very humiliated and was about to bite his tongue to commit suicide, but was discovered by the soldiers and reported to Moquan.

When Mo Quan heard this, he sneered, and came to Lu Feng in person, and gave him a good run.

"Lu Feng, the left vanguard of Nan'an, is nothing more than that." Mo Quan stood in front of Lu Feng, looking down at him with disdain.

"Who are you?" Lu Feng looked at Mo Quan with a cold face and asked.It's annoying to be looked down upon.

"Dazhao Zuo Xianfeng Mo Quan." Mo Quan revealed his identity, but it made Lu Feng's face even more ugly.

He considers himself one of the first and second among the younger generation, and he was once complacent.But I didn't want to be caught by others as soon as I went out.Those who arrested him were still in the same position as him, and they were so maddening.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng felt ashamed to live on.Just when he was about to bite the tiger's tongue again, Mo Quan pinched his chin quickly, and said with a sneer, "You still want to commit suicide?"

"What, is it possible that General Mo still cares about life and death? Ben Fengfeng was defeated by you, because Ben Fengfeng is not good at learning. However, it seems that this pioneer wants to die, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Mo Quan sneered, looked at Lu Feng with a sarcasm, and said, "You are now a prisoner of this general, and it is up to this general to decide whether you live or die."

"You?" Lu Feng stared at Mo Quan, his face flushed with anger.He regretted so much in his heart, if he didn't take the path, he wouldn't be ambushed or become a prisoner of others.

Thinking of himself being a captive Zuo Xianfeng, Lu Feng wished he could find a hole in the ground and go in.

In order to save face, he begged to die.But I didn't want to, the other party didn't even let him die.

"I will warn you, An'an, otherwise, don't blame me for not being sympathetic." Mo Quan clicked on the opponent's acupuncture points, making the opponent lose the strength to commit suicide, and then warned again.

After seeing that the battlefield was almost cleaned up, I called my brothers back to the city.

Mo Quan was leading his brothers and escorting the captives back to the city.

At this time, outside Luocheng, the troops led by Huang Qi had arrived and were calling for battle at the city.

(End of this chapter)

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