The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 871 Sneak Attack on Food and Grass

Chapter 871 Sneak Attack on Food and Grass ([-])

Hearing the enemy's call for formation, Yan Nuo, who had been suffocated for a long time, opened the city gate with 1000 troops and rushed out without saying a word.

"Dazhao Yannuo, fight!" Yannuo led the soldiers out of the city and confronted Huang Qi's men.

"Nan'an Huang Qi, let's fight!" Huang Qi reported his name, rushed out of the team first, and fought with Yan Nuo.

At the same time, soldiers from both sides drew their weapons and started fighting.

The two sides are at war, the weapons are intersecting, you come and go, the victory and defeat take turns, and the casualties are increasing.

Just as the two sides were fighting, Mo Quan appeared in the sight of everyone with his team and prisoners.When Huang Qi saw that Lu Feng who set out with him was actually captured by Dazhao, his expression was very bad.

One was distracted and didn't check for a while, and was shot off by Yan Nuo.

Huang Qi fell off the horse and was almost injured. He didn't dare to be careless anymore. He restrained his mind and focused on fighting Duo Yannuo.

At this time, the soldiers in Nan'an also saw that the people on their side were captured, and they all became stunned.He was easily wounded or killed by soldiers of Dazhao.

In order to stimulate the Nan'an soldiers on the battlefield, Mo Quan deliberately led the prisoners to walk by, and deliberately slowed down his pace, in order to let the Nan'an soldiers present see that his brothers were captured, thereby affecting their emotions and feelings. mind.

Not to mention, Mo Quan's trick is quite useful.As he passed by with the team, the soldiers of Nan'an Kingdom were quickly shocked. Many of them forgot where they were and the weapons in their hands, and stopped moving.

As a result, the morale of the soldiers of Dazhao increased, and their attacks became more and more fierce.

It was only a few minutes away, but Mo Quan deliberately walked for more than ten minutes.By the time he led the team into the city, Nan'an had already been defeated.

Huang Qi was defeated by Yan Nuo and fled back to Nan'an camp with the remaining soldiers.

When Yan Nuo saw that the other party was about to run away, he originally planned to chase after him.But he was stopped by Shangguan Yuntian, who was watching the battle on the city wall.

"General!" Yan Nuo was a little unwilling, looked up at Shangguan Yuntian and shouted.

"Retreat!" Shangguan Yuntian said two words lightly, and led Yehuang down the city wall.

Yan Nuo saw that Shangguan Yuntian had come down the city wall, so he could only be ordered to withdraw his troops and bring his brothers back to the city.

Huang Qi fled all the way back to the camp, all in a mess.

In the Nan'an camp, Gu Cheng and the generals were waiting for the news. When they heard that Huang Qi had returned, they walked out of the tent together.When they saw Huang Qi's embarrassing appearance, their expressions instantly became ugly.

With Huang Qi's appearance, he knew without guessing that he had lost the battle.

Originally, Gu Cheng wanted to use a battle to boost the morale of the soldiers, but he didn't want the morale to be boosted, and he lost thousands of troops instead.

"Where's Lu Feng?" Seeing that only Huang Qi came back, the generals present had a bad feeling in their hearts.


"What?" Gu Cheng was taken aback and cried out in shock.Lu Feng was actually captured?

"What's going on?" A general asked.

"The last general doesn't know either. He only knows that when he was fighting Yan Nuo, he saw a group of Dazhao's troops leading the captured Lu Feng and many brothers into Luo City."

According to Huang Qi, he did not add any branches and leaves.Although he guessed the reason why Lu Feng was captured, he didn't want to say it out.

He felt that Lu Feng had already been captured, so it was meaningless to say anything else.

But none of the people present were fools, so they could have guessed a little bit.Otherwise, why was Huang Qi not captured but Lu Feng was captured?

But, so what if you guessed it?Things have happened, it's too late to say anything now.

(End of this chapter)

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