The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 872 Sneak Attack on Food and Grass

Chapter 872 Sneak Attack on Grain ([-])

"Go down and rest first." Gu Cheng glanced at Huang Qi and waved his hand.

When Huang Qi left, the generals looked at each other, face to face.Before the battle, they didn't take the enemy seriously, but now they were severely slapped in the face, which made them ashamed.

"General, what shall we do next?" one of the generals asked.Now that they have suffered consecutive defeats, they have to find a way to change this situation.

"Let's talk about it after entering the tent." Gu Cheng was a little annoyed, and turned around to enter the big tent.

Back in the big tent, the generals discussed again.

Everyone agrees that it won't work anymore.Not to mention taking Los Angeles, maybe they themselves will be wiped out by Dazhao first.

"What can everyone do to change the current situation?" Gu Cheng glanced at his subordinates and asked.It is definitely not possible to fight head-on now, it must be outsmarted.

"General, I have a proposal." A general stood up and said, "This subordinate is willing to take someone to burn the other party's food and grass."

"Burn food and grass?" The other people's eyes lit up when they heard it, and they began to discuss.

"This method is good. As long as the opponent's food and grass are burned, it will be much easier for us to fight again."

"That's right, if the food and grass in Los Angeles are destroyed, they will take the initiative to fight us if we don't need to fight. In this way, we will just retaliate with an eye for an eye, and give the other party a head-on blow."

"It's a good way, but the spies in Luo City are all dead, so how do we know where the other party's food is?"

"Don't worry about this, I just got a piece of news. Dazhao will send a batch of grain and grass soon. We can't burn the ones in Luo City, but we can burn the ones delivered on the road."

Gu Cheng listened to his subordinates' discussion, pondered for a while, and agreed to this method.

Here, Gu Cheng was discussing the grain and grass for burning Dazhao, but he didn't know that Ming Rui had already brought thousands of people and horses to Nan'an to deliver the grain and grass and waited on the only way.

After a night of rapid marching, Ming Rui led the team to the territory of Nan'an Kingdom.

In order not to let the enemy find out, they brought enough dry food and hid it on the mountain road.

At this time, Nan'an's food delivery team was less than ten miles away from the place where Mingrui was lying in ambush.If there is no accident, they will arrive in half an hour.

Ming Rui saw that there was still time, and immediately ordered the brothers to eat dry food first, to replenish their physical strength, and to eat food and grass in a while.

After eating dry food, everyone was resting, when scouts came to report: "General Ming, the enemy has arrived."

"How far is it?"

"Less than two miles."

"Okay, everyone get ready."

Ming Rui gave an order, and the soldiers immediately took their positions and got ready.Just wait for the enemy to come, and then take action to rob food and grass.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally there was a sound of footsteps, and the food delivery team in Nan'an appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Here we come!" Ming Rui was overjoyed, looking at the food delivery team that was getting closer and closer, his eyes shone brightly.

As long as you rob the opponent's food and grass, it will not only hurt the morale of the opponent, but also make the enemy hungry, why not do it?

The food delivery team was already close at hand, Ming Rui called softly: "Get ready!"

The brethren held their breath as they watched each other enter their encirclement.When all the people and supplies entered the circle, Ming Rui suddenly shouted: "Go!"

When the sound fell, the brothers jumped out and rushed towards the food delivery team.

Nan'an's food delivery team never thought that they would be attacked on their own territory, and they didn't react for a while.

It wasn't until seeing his companions fell that he came back to his senses and prepared to resist, but it was too late.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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