The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 874 Sneak Attack on Food and Grass

Chapter 874 Sneak Attack on Food and Grass ([-])

"The general wants cloth pockets?" Everyone looked at the position that Gu Cheng was pointing at, and their eyes were clear.If these three directions are encircled, it's like a big bag is clothed, and Los Angeles City is directly covered in it.

"That's right, the commander-in-chief intends to make a big bag and put the 15 people from Luocheng and Shangguan Yuntian into it."

"The general is wise." The generals understood Gu Cheng's intentions and immediately praised him.

Hearing these flattering words, Gu Cheng's mood improved. He pointed to one of the places and said, "The Left Route Army led by Chen Cheng will attack Nantian Town in Luocheng directly from here."

"The last general takes orders." Chen Cheng stood up and received the military order.

"The army on the right here is under the charge of Qian Jun, guarding the enemy's retreat."

"The end will be ordered."

"As for the Chinese army, it will be led by this commander and go straight to Luo City to face Shangguan Yuntian."

After Gu Cheng assigned the tasks, he asked the generals to go back to the camp to prepare.

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Cheng left some soldiers to guard the camp, while the rest were dispatched, and went straight to Los Angeles according to the previous plan.

In Luocheng, in the command post, Shangguan Yuntian is calling a meeting.Not long ago, he just received inside information that Gu Cheng led an army of 40 and was already on his way to Los Angeles.

"Gu Cheng led three armies and is coming towards Luo City. What countermeasures do you have?"

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, Yunfei stood up first, and asked: "General, I don't know which three ways the other party divided to come towards us?"

"According to inside information, they came from here, here, and here, these three places to Los Angeles." Shangguan Yuntian stood up and pointed to three locations on the map on the wall.

The generals saw the three positions pointed by Shangguan Yuntian, combined with the terrain of those three places, and soon had an idea.

Yan Nuo was the first to stand up and said, "General, the general has some ideas."


"General, judging from the marching route of the enemy's left army, they want to attack Nantian Town. The last general is more familiar with the terrain of Nantian Town, so we can carry out an ambush here."

While talking, Yan Nuo got up and came to the map, pointing to one of the locations and talking.

Yan Nuo is the guard, and he is quite familiar with the terrain of Los Angeles.In addition, a few days ago, he also defeated the Nan'an Army who tried to climb over the mountain in Nantian Town, and he knew the terrain around Nantian Town even better.

"Are you sure?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at the place Yan Nuo pointed at, and asked.Although it was clearly marked on the map, it was indeed a good place to ambush, but there were so many people on the other side, Shangguan Yuntian was a little worried about whether he could ambush so many people, so he asked this question.

"Don't worry, general, the general is sure, and he will definitely be able to beat the opponent." Yan Nuo said confidently, the place is high in mountains and dense forests, or it is just a left army, even if all the opponent's army comes , can be ambushed.

"In that case, the general will give you 3 troops to set up an ambush. Remember, your own safety is the most important thing. If the situation changes, withdraw immediately, understand?"

"This subordinate understands, please rest assured, the general, this subordinate will definitely cherish life and kill more enemies." Yan Nuo accepted the order and at the same time promised to Shangguan Yuntian.

He will not die easily, he still wants to live to kill a few more enemies in Nan'an.

"Okay, go on your own." Shangguan Yuntian waved to Yan Nuo, signaling him to leave first.

Luo City is some distance away from Nantian Town, and the enemy has already set off. They have to buy time and arrive before the enemy reaches the ambush location.

(End of this chapter)

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