The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 875 Sneak Attack on Food and Grass

Chapter 875 Sneak Attack on Food and Grass ([-])

"The last general will retire." Yan Nuo took the token from Shangguan Yuntian, solemnly gave him a military salute, and then left to dispatch troops.

After Yan Nuo left, the remaining generals discussed again.

After two quarters of an hour, all arrangements were discussed, and Shangguan Yuntian and the generals left the command post and went straight to the camp.

When he arrived at the camp, Yunfei made pre-war mobilization.

When the soldiers heard that a battle was about to be fought, they all became excited.As a soldier, life and death are on the battlefield. If you don't wrap your body in horse leather, you will never return it.

After the mobilization, according to the previous discussion, the soldiers took their positions.

Yehuang heard the news in the small courtyard, and brought Dong and Xia to the city wall to find Shangguan Yuntian.In a head-to-head confrontation, she and her team are useless, and they can perform special tasks, but it is their specialty.

For example, they can take advantage of Nan'an's army leaving the camp and do something to block their retreat.

"Huang'er, why are you here?" Shangguan Yuntian saw Yehuang with a faint smile on his face.

"I heard that there will be a war soon?"

"That's right!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, thinking of Yehuang's performance in Yaocheng before, he couldn't help asking: "Why, you want to participate too?"

Yehuang laughed, stretched out her fingers and lightly touched Shangguan Yuntian's chest, and said, "Yuntian is the one who knows me."

"Can I refuse?" Shangguan Yuntian frowned.To be honest, he didn't want Ye Huang to get involved, even though she was good at martial arts.But with him here, how could it be her turn to go to the battlefield.

"No!" Ye Huang said with a serious face.She knew that Shangguan Yuntian was worried about herself, but it was everyone's responsibility to protect their family and country.

Although she is a woman, she also wants to contribute.

"Huang'er, I..." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang, thinking about how to persuade her.But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yehuang, saying: "Yuntian, listen to my thoughts first, and it's never too late to object."

Shangguan Yuntian lowered his eyes and looked at Yehuang. After a while, he still couldn't bear to refuse. He nodded and said, "Okay, tell me and I'll listen."

"Yuntian, all the troops of Nan'an Kingdom are dispatched now, and there must not be many people staying in the base camp. So I want to take four small teams to the enemy's base camp, and give it a clean slate."

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Yuntian's eyes lit up, he looked at Yehuang excitedly, and said, "You mean..."

Yehuang nodded, she knew that Shangguan Yuntian understood her thoughts, and said, "Do you think it's feasible?"

"Of course it is possible!"

How could it not be feasible? It is simply too feasible.As long as the food and grass in the opponent's base camp are burned, Gu Cheng and his hundreds of thousands of troops will have to drink the northwest wind.

In this way, without them taking action, Gu Cheng would have to lose.

"Then you agree?" Ye Huang asked again.

"Agreed, of course I agree." Shangguan Yuntian nodded, but when he thought that her four teams had less than 100 people in total, he couldn't help feeling a little worried, and said, "However, you should bring more people there. How about this, my side Send another 500 people to you."

"No need!" Yehuang shook her head and refused, looked at Shangguan Yuntian and said seriously: "I know you are worried about me and want to send more people to me. But when you are short of people, how can I bring Let's go? Besides, although my team is small in number, all of them are elites, and it's not a problem to count one against ten or one hundred. Besides, if I can't beat them, can I still run?"

Her qinggong is rare in the arena, and running away is not a problem.Once things change, just run away.

(End of this chapter)

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