The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 876 The 2nd Army Against

Chapter 876 The two armies against each other ([-])

"But..." Shangguan Yuntian was still a little worried, but he heard Yehuang say: "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of you and come back in full. Okay?"

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang looked at each other for a while, but they were finally defeated and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Yuntian, you are the best." Yehuang became happy, raised her feet slightly, pressed a kiss on Shangguan Yuntian's face, and ran down the city wall with a smile.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang's leaving back, reached out to touch his face that had been kissed, and shook his head with a smile.

With Shangguan Yuntian's approval, Yehuang immediately summoned the members of the four teams and prepared to go to the base camp in Nan'an.

When Ye Su heard that Yehuang was going to burn the enemy's food, she immediately became interested and pestered Yehuang to go with her.But Yehuang's words hit him hard.

Hearing that Ye Su was going to follow, Ye Huang glanced at him lightly, and said: "If you can go through ten tricks under my hands, I will let you go."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Su's face suddenly became ugly.Not to mention ten tricks, even five tricks are not enough.

So, he could only watch Yehuang leave with the four teams, complaining endlessly.

Seeing Ye Huang take people away, Ye Su regretted endlessly.If he knew this would happen, he should practice martial arts well no matter what.

It's a pity that the world didn't know it earlier, and there is no regret medicine.

After the team left, Ye Su had no choice but to return to the camp, and together with the soldiers, prepared for the upcoming battle.

As for Yehuang, she led the four teams and headed straight to Nan'an's base camp.

When Ye Huang was investigating the topography of Luo City, she had seen Nan'an's base camp in Broken Soul Ridge.I know that the shortest way to Daben Palace is to go down Duanhun Ridge.

It's just that the side of Duanhun Ridge near Nan'an is high and steep, and it's not easy to go down unless there are ropes to help.

Fortunately, the team members are well equipped, and each has a set of ropes, just in case of emergencies.

In order to get to Broken Soul Ridge as soon as possible, Ye Huang and the members of the team did not ride horses, but directly used light kung fu.

Fortunately, the lightness skills of the group are good, although they are not comparable to masters like Neng Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, but their speed is much faster than riding a horse.

So, originally it took six hours to ride a horse from Luocheng to Duanhun Ridge, but it only took five hours to use lightness kung fu.Of course, they took a break in the middle and ate something to replenish their strength.

When they arrived at Broken Soul Ridge, Ye Huang and his brothers did not go up the mountain immediately, but found a place to rest.

While resting, they discovered the whereabouts of the Nan'an Left Army.

"Hidden!" Seeing the enemy army, Yehuang immediately ordered the brothers to hide.

When the group of people were well hidden, a brother from the Cangwolf squad asked, "Boss, it's the enemy, shouldn't we fight?"

As soon as the words came out, without waiting for Yehuang's answer, Cang directly reached out and patted the opponent's head, cursing: "Stupid, how many enemies are there, how many of us are there, do you want to die?"

"Captain, be gentle. Aren't my hands itchy?" The brother who was beaten complained, knowing that his words were inappropriate.But thinking that other than their team, other teams have killed the enemy, he couldn't help saying: "Captain, you can't blame me. After all, except our team, the other brothers have killed the enemy, so..."

"So what?" Before the other party finished speaking, Cang stared directly at the other party.It's a good thing to want to kill the enemy, but you can't be blind, and you can't put yourself in danger.

Stared at by Cang, the brother immediately begged for mercy: "Captain, I was wrong, I was wrong, can't it be okay?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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