The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 877 The 2nd Army Against

Chapter 877 The two armies against each other ([-])

Cang didn't speak, just looked at his idiot subordinate, giving him invisible coercion.This coercion made the brother a little breathless, and he continued to beg for mercy: "I will never ask such stupid questions again, captain, please forgive me this time, okay?"

"Shut up, the enemy is approaching, do you want to expose it?" Cang finally couldn't bear it, and growled again.

After yelling, he ignored his subordinates and cast an apologetic look at Ye Huang.

Yehuang watched and shook her head lightly, indicating that she didn't care.

It is a good thing that the brothers under his command have the fighting spirit, but now is not the time.Otherwise, she would have rushed out first.

The entire mountain forest fell silent, and Nan'an's army passed quickly, heading straight for Nantian Town.Yehuang watched the enemy pass by under her nose, and shook her head regretfully.

If it wasn't for going to the enemy's base camp to make trouble, she couldn't let the other party pass so easily.

Forget it, the task is still important.If they come back and encounter enemy troops again, no matter how many or how many opponents there are, they will have to fight one more time.

Thinking about it, Ye Huang first emerged from her hiding place and led her brothers to crawl towards Duan Hun Ridge behind her.

For mountain climbing, the brothers in the team have already been very skilled.Because before they came out of the mountain, most of the people around Mujiazhai were on the mountain.And their training is mostly drilling mountains and forests.

They have already practiced the skill of quickly crossing mountains and mountains, and they are no problem at all for Duanhun Ridge.Without light work, half an hour later, the group reached the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the Nan'an Camp below the cliff, Ye Huang began to observe carefully.

After some observation, the general situation of the enemy has been understood.About 1 people were left in the big camp to guard the food and grass, plus some gang leaders and so on, there were only 5000 people.

Although the number of people is not large, it is still too much for them to be less than 100 people.In addition, it is broad daylight now, as long as the enemy shows up, they will find out, so we have to wait until night.

Thinking about it, Yehuang looked away, and then told the brothers: "Everyone find a place to rest, and then act again at night."

"Yes!" The brothers took the order and went to find a place to rest.

When Yehuang and the others climbed up Duanhun Ridge, the enemy's army from the left approached Nantian Town.Seeing the town look again, the leading general Chen Cheng ordered the soldiers to rest, and sent a scout to Nantian Town to explore the way.

The scouts led the way, and the army stopped to rest.Chen Cheng also got off his horse and found a relatively flat place to sit down.

The army was so numerous that it filled the entire road after sitting down.

After Chen Cheng sat down, he looked around.When he saw the large dense forest by the road, he felt uneasy for some reason.

A pair of sharp eyes swept across the forest, searching for the source of uneasiness.

In the mountain forest, Yan Nuo and his soldiers lurk carefully, waiting for the enemy to relax.

There are not many of them, and head-to-head will definitely not be the enemy's opponent, only outsmart.Fortunately, before they came, the people here made some wooden arrows. As long as they were used properly, the effect would be no worse than the arrows in the army.

Chen Cheng looked at it for a while, but found nothing.The uneasiness in my heart did not dissipate, but it became more intense.

Because of this uneasiness, Chen Cheng didn't dare to be careless, and shouted: "Come on!"

As soon as the sound fell, a young general stepped forward, looked at him and asked, "General, what are your orders?"

(End of this chapter)

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