The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 878 The 2nd Army Against

Chapter 878 The two armies against each other ([-])

"Take a few people to the forest to have a look." Chen Cheng pointed to the dense forest.

"The last general takes orders." The young general agreed, picked up a few soldiers, and headed for the forest.

Yan Nuo hidden in the forest took the movement below into his eyes, watched a small team of enemies approaching, slightly raised his lips, and put on a cruel smile.

Since the enemy is so impatient to die, he just fulfilled it.

So, after he turned around and gestured to the brothers behind him, several soldiers left quietly, heading towards the enemy squad that came to investigate.

The young general from Nan'an soon arrived at the edge of the forest, and after a double inspection, he dared to enter the forest.

The mountains and forests are dense and the light is not very good. When they first entered the forest, the teenagers were not used to it.He was groping and looking forward.

But at this moment, the men sent by Yan Nuo appeared behind them like ghosts, and quickly dealt with the lagging soldiers.

The young general leading the way had no idea what was happening behind him. After walking for a while and slowly getting used to it, he turned to look at his subordinates.

At a glance, his face changed instantly.None of the people he brought out had disappeared.

"Where is the person?" The young general muttered, and after walking back a few steps, he was about to look for someone, but he tripped and fell to the ground.

Falling to the ground, the young general looked down, only to realize that the thing that tripped him turned out to be the person he brought out.And this person has been wiped on the neck, lifeless.

This discovery surprised the young general, and he opened his mouth to scream.

But the moment he yelled out, a cold flash flashed across his neck, and before his voice could yell out, he was forced to stop.

After killing the young general, a soldier in green turf camouflage slowly stood up from the ground, glanced at the dead enemy, and strode away.

Chen Cheng watched the young general lead people into the forest, but never saw them come out, and couldn't help but feel even more uneasy.

This uneasiness made him unable to sit still any longer. He stood up and said to the soldiers who were resting: "No, it's dangerous!"

The sound fell, and before the soldiers could react, a wave of wooden arrows shot out from the forest.

When the wooden arrows were shot, all the soldiers who hadn't reacted were hit by the blows, some were killed or wounded.In the blink of an eye, the army was in chaos.

Chen Cheng looked at the shot wooden arrow, looked at the flustered look of his subordinates, his face was dark, and shouted: "Don't panic, calm down!"

However, between life and death, who can be truly calm and not panic.

Therefore, even though Chen Cheng's roar was loud, even if the soldiers heard it, they still couldn't help but panic, ran, and wanted to leave.

As a result, the entire army is in disarray.Crowded and trampled, the casualties were worse than those caused by wooden arrows.

Chen Cheng watched the soldiers die at the hands of his own people, his heart ached, he yelled again, and said, "I will kill anyone who dares to disobey the order."

As a result, the soldiers slowly calmed down and looked at Chen Cheng.

At this time, the wooden arrows in the forest also stopped, just giving them a chance to breathe.

When the army was no longer flustered, Chen Cheng took a look at the mountains and forests, and then ordered: "Some people stay behind, and some people follow this general to the mountains and forests to arrest the enemy."

After speaking, he picked some people and led them straight to the mountains.

In the forest, Yan Nuo watched Chen Cheng personally lead the troops, a bright light flashed in his eyes.If Chen Cheng can be captured alive, he will be greatly credited.

(End of this chapter)

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