The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 887 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 887 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

Killing the enemies guarding the grain and grass, Cang left some people to guard outside, and took the rest to go straight to the grain and grass.

There is not a lot of food and grass for hundreds of thousands of people, even if it is only enough for about ten days, it looks like a lot.

It will definitely take time to burn so much food and grass at once, and it must be done at the same time everywhere.Otherwise, once the enemy finds out, it will fall short.

Thinking about it, Cang assigned the brothers again, and several people were in charge of one area.

After the tasks were assigned, the brothers dispersed and headed towards their respective tasks.

The brothers guarding the big camp were not idle, and they were always watching the movement outside, so that they could react quickly once the enemy found out.

Soon, the grain and grass were set on fire, and thick smoke rose from the camp.The enemies who stayed behind soon discovered the situation, so they ran towards the grain and grass one by one.

"The enemy is coming, evacuate!" Cang saw that the enemy had discovered it, and immediately ordered to evacuate.The food and grass have been ignited and will be burned to ashes in a short time.

Now, it depends on whether food and grass are important in the eyes of the enemy, or to catch them.

The brothers evacuated quickly, but were still discovered by the enemy.So he chased after him, even ignoring food and grass.

Seeing the enemy chasing towards him, the brothers in the team were speechless.Secretly said: What a bunch of idiots, at this moment, they don't put out the fire first, but chase them instead, is that interesting?

If there is no food and grass, what if they are caught?
However, it's clear that the enemy doesn't think the same way as the squad members.They wanted to catch the thief who burned the grain and grass, so they chased after the members of the team.

Tired of being chased, the members of the squad stopped and fought with the enemy.

In the fight between the two sides, the soldiers in Nan'an didn't take advantage of it, and most of them injured the subordinates of the team members.

After killing the first batch of pursuers, the members of the team didn't stay any longer and converged towards the place where Ye Huang was.

Seeing the brothers coming back and looking at the pursuers behind them, Yehuang smiled and said, "Good job, let's go!"

After the sound fell, the brothers quickly grabbed the long rope left on the edge of the cliff and climbed towards the cliff.

Seeing that the brothers had climbed up the cliff, Ye Huang set off.

At this time, the enemy had already chased to the cliff, Ye Huang raised her jade hand, and after giving them a pack of drug, she jumped up and grabbed the rope.

"Quick, quick, shoot the arrows quickly, don't let them run away." The enemies chasing in front were fascinated by Ye Huang, and the ones behind chased them again.

When they saw Yehuang and the others climbing the cliff and leaving, they were angry and anxious, and roared.

Following the roar, countless arrows rained towards Yehuang and the others on the cliff.

"Everyone be careful!" Yehuang reminded the brothers, while pulling out the white silk from her waist, and blocked it.

Fortunately, those arrows were not shot high, and the higher the brothers climbed, it would be fine.

As the enemy's arrow rain hit, the brothers speeded up and soon reached the top of the mountain.After reaching the top of the mountain, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then pulled the rope to help the brothers who hadn't come up yet.

Seeing everyone climbed up the cliff, Yehuang finally felt relieved, then tiptoed a little on the cliff, jumped up and flew towards the top of the mountain.

After chasing and killing them, not a single enemy was left behind. The soldiers in Nan'an couldn't help being extremely annoyed. They looked up at Ye Huang and the others who had already climbed to the top of the cliff, wishing they could not do anything.

"Return to the camp!" The leading captain roared, and the group returned disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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