The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 888 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 888 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

After returning to the camp, I counted the food and grass, and found that it was almost burned, and the rescued ones were less than two days old.

This news made the person in charge of the camp very annoyed, secretly hated, but dared to hide it, so he had to send someone to report the news to Gu Cheng overnight.

Yehuang and the others completed the task, and without taking a rest, they left Broken Soul Ridge and rushed to Nantian Town overnight.They didn't forget the Nan'an army they saw when they came here before.

If they guessed correctly, the destination of that army was Nantian Town.

I hope they rush back now, before it's too late.

After rushing all the way, it was already several hours later when we arrived at Nantian Town.Looking at the quiet town and smelling the smell of blood in the air, Ye Huang's heart sank.

Could it be that they came too late, and the enemy has already killed everyone in the town?
This idea flashed through Ye Huang's mind, and soon took root.She quickly entered the town and went straight to the inn in the town.She had to make sure that the people in the town were still alive.

The night was dark, and the people in the town were sleeping soundly.

At this time, a few dark shadows ushered in an inn in the town.

Yehuang sneaked into the inn with his brothers carefully, and quietly checked each room.It wasn't until it was confirmed that there were people living in the guest room and that the owner of the inn was still alive, that he felt relieved. After exiting the inn, he knocked on the door of the inn again.

The sleepy innkeeper heard the knock on the door, got up from the bed, opened the door of the inn, and muttered, "Who is it?"

When he saw Yehuang's group outside and smelled the bloody smell from their bodies, he was taken aback, and asked cautiously: "I don't know where the guest officer came from, why did you come to stay so late?"

Seeing the boss's expression and hearing his words, Yehuang curled her lips slightly, took out the token representing Yun Wangfu, and put it in front of the boss.

Seeing the token, the boss woke up instantly from his drowsiness, looked at Ye Huang with a flattering expression, and said, "Guest officer, please hurry up."

"How many guest rooms do you have here? We want them all." Ye Huang said lightly, put away the token, and entered the inn.

When the boss heard Yehuang's words, he immediately became happy, and said, "No problem, no problem, guest officer, please come with me."

During the recent war, his inn was empty nine out of ten times. It was rare for so many people to come, how could he be unhappy?What's more, the person who came here was a big shot, and he would have a bright face when he said it in the future, wouldn't he?
The boss graciously brought Ye Huang and the others to the guest room, and after the arrangements were made properly, they went back to rest.

Ye Huang and the others had been busy for most of the night, and they were already tired. Even after resting during the day, they were still a little tired.After entering the guest room, one by one fell on the bed and fell asleep.

After a good night's sleep, the next morning, the group hurried on their way after breakfast.

At this time, outside Luo City, Gu Cheng's army came to call for battle again.

Looking at it, Shangguan Yuntian asked someone to open the city gate and led the soldiers out of the city.

The two sides confronted each other again, Gu Cheng stood up, looked at Shangguan Yuntian coldly, and said loudly: "Shangguan Yuntian, this general lost yesterday, let's compete again today."

"Yes, General Gu, please mark the road, and I will accompany you at any time." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Gu Cheng with contempt, and said lightly.

No matter how Gu Cheng wants to compare, he is not afraid.

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's reply, Gu Cheng became proud, and said, "That's what you said? Don't regret it later."

"Don't worry, this king always keeps his word. Tell me, how do you want to compare?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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