The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 889 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 889 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

Shangguan Yuntian looked at Gu Cheng's complacent look with a calm expression, as if what they were discussing now was not a competition, but the weather was so calm and breezy.

As for what Gu Cheng wanted to compare to, Shangguan Yuntian guessed it yesterday.

Sure enough, as Shangguan Yuntian guessed, Gu Cheng said: "Since that's the case, let's compare formations today. This general wants to see how powerful Dazhao's God of War is."


Gu Cheng originally thought that he would see Shangguan Yuntian change his face, or hear his refusal, but he didn't want to, but he readily agreed.

What's going on?He clearly remembered that Shangguan Yuntian didn't know formation techniques.

"King Yun, don't force yourself to do this kind of thing." Gu Cheng didn't believe it, and reminded him specially.He wanted to make Shangguan Yuntian retreat in the face of difficulties, and wanted him to take the initiative to admit defeat.

However, who is Shangguan Yuntian, how could he take the initiative to admit defeat? That is not his style.What's more, it's not that he doesn't understand formations. You must know that he has never been idle during these years of being a useless person.

"Don't worry, this king is not forceful at all." Shangguan Yuntian curled his lips and said lightly.

"Since this is the case, let's start." Unable to find out the depth of Shangguan Yuntian, Gu Cheng couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment.


Gu Cheng retreated into the army, and after a while, Nan'an's army began to change, and a large formation slowly formed.

Shangguan Yuntian watched quietly, frowning slightly.

After the opponent's formation was completed, Yunfei lost his composure and said, "General, what kind of formation are they forming here? It doesn't look like a long snake formation."

"They are forming a long snake gossip formation." Shangguan Yuntian said indifferently, he has seen this formation before and knows how to break it.

"What, you combined the Long Snake Formation and the Eight Diagrams Formation together, how can this be broken?" Yun Fei's face was ugly. If it was a simple Long Snake Formation, or a pure Eight Diagrams Formation, then it would be all right for him. not a problem.

But now, the enemy has actually combined these two formations, how will he break them.

"Don't worry, this king knows how to break it." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, and then suddenly swept up, heading towards the opponent's formation.

Seeing that Shangguan Yuntian came to break the formation alone, Gu Cheng became proud, and said loudly: "King Yun, don't push yourself too hard. If you can't get out after a while, don't blame this general for not reminding you."

"General Gu, don't worry, since this king dares to break through, he will definitely be able to break through." Shangguan Yuntian's tone was still as flat as before, without any fluctuation in his voice.But that strong self-confidence made people unable to help but admire him.

"Okay, since King Yun is so confident, then this general will help you." After Gu Cheng finished speaking, he glanced at the standard-bearer commanding the formation.

The other party nodded, and then began to play semaphore.With his movements, the formation began to change.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at it indifferently, curled his lips slightly, and sneered.

I want to trap him in this way, dreaming.

With a movement of his figure, Shangguan Yuntian touched his body, and with the long sword in his hand, he moved towards the eye of the formation.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's movements, Gu Cheng's expression instantly became ugly.It was surprising that Shangguan Yuntian really understood formations.

Shangguan Yuntian probably doesn't understand formations, did he remember wrongly?
Just as Gu Cheng was thinking, Shangguan Yuntian in the formation was already approaching the formation's eye.As soon as he reached the formation eye, Shangguan Yuntian was not polite at all, he swung his long sword and stabbed at the enemy in the formation eye.

Sensing the attack of killing intent, the Nan'an soldiers who were protecting the eyes of the formation changed their expressions, swung their swords and started fighting with Shangguan Yuntian.

(End of this chapter)

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